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Bush admits he was wrong

Guest Low Roller

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I was reading that yesterday, waiting for more and there seems to be much more today.

It is going to start to really get interesting. There's all sorts of wierd shit going down.

- the defense on that is that they get 100 intelligence reports a day, so they are saying that there needs to be proof that GW actually saw the CIA report on the uranium.

- the 'spy-catcher' that GW hired to find Osama and Saddam was taken off duty. Speculations revolve around him uncovering a major scandal with CIA software that would be very embarrassing for the Bush family

spy story

Do some research on the Promis software. It's quite a story, and sort of freaky too.

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A Brit comitte has also found Tony Blair at fault. Saying he misled parliament there about WMD's. Very nice to see some accountabilty. But, will it lead to any changes in the power structures remains to be seen.

Personally, I believe Iraq still has the weapons, but can't see them using them anytime. They're probably buried under the desert near Syria. IMO, if you have them to start with, you're not just going to throw them away right. It's pricey stuff, too much so to just waste, cause you never know when the whole area might just go shit nuts, and some good old fashion anthrax will come in handy).

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Lot of people have seen this, but it still cracks me up:


Y'know Bush I understand but I never got why Blair was so gung-ho about the war when his whole party and hell nearly his whole country was against it. I can't imagine he'll be around past the next go-round in Labour Party Leadership and/or elections.


Mr. M.

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Blair wanted to get onside with Bush becuase it was a posturing move against France, Germany and Russia, which is hard to justify since they are in the EU together (well not Russia). It's called picking sides in the New World Order. He also probably thought that some of those juicy infrastructure and oil contracts might go to British companies....the fool.

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The motives were wrong and a war against Iraq has had some serious consequences, however that doesn't take away the fact that Saddam is a dangerous dictator and if he did not have WMD, I still believe he would have done everything he could to obtain and use them.

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it made half way down page 5 in the third section of the Hamilton Spec... [Roll Eyes]

everytime Bush mumbled some vague "War Against Terror" rhetoric it was page 1

Saddam is still on the loose... thousands of Iraqi civilians are dead... every Iraqi kid who lost a family member or a friend hates america with all he is...

behind every Bush there's a terrorist

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Originally posted by doug:

The motives were wrong and a war against Iraq has had some serious consequences, however that doesn't take away the fact that Saddam is a dangerous dictator and if he did not have WMD, I still believe he would have done everything he could to obtain and use them.

I saw a W5 special on this and it was amazing, best peice of reporting I've seen in years. There is no question about whether or not Saddam had WMD's. He did, and he used them in the early to mid 80's against the Iranians and the Kurds. It was acutally an American company with government approval who sold Iraq the civilian helicopters they Saddam used to disperse these weapons. The US government was torn on the sale because they knew what the helicopters may have been used for. And then, in 1989, right before Reagan left office, a bill flew through congress in 24 hours (went through both houses - still a record for any bill). This bill would have imposed total sanctions on Iraq 2.5 years before the gulf war. The bill was never signed into law by Reagan though and was lost in the congressional shuffle after the summer break. Think what could have been prevented with this bill (the invasion of Kuwait and two wars between the US and Iraq). To top it all off, in 1991, Iraq asked the US consulate if they could appropriate Kuwaiti oil-fields. The US gave it's approval and then denied it when Iraq went ahead with the invasion, followed days later by the famous "ultimatum" from George Sr. So, regardless of what Saddam is, the US is basically cleaning up a mess they won't admit to creating. I would back them if they would be honestand accountable, but only if it was a UN force so the Iraqi people would be behind it. In this situation, the Iraqis can see through the thin veil of deception, and they feel slighted, with good reason.

Bringing us back to the WMD's. They are there (probably i the sand). They will be "found" (my prediction) right before next years election at the same time Osama and Saddam are "captured" (from the Florida Keys or wherever they are chilling).

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oh my Lord. [Eek!]

hey, try this, it just came to me at work:

> > > Try this soon, before Google fixes its site:

> > > > 1) Go to http://www.Google.com;

> > > > 2) type in (but don't hit return): "weapons of mass destruction";

> > > > 3) Hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button, instead of the normal "Google search" button;

> > > > 4) READ what appears to be a normal error message carefully.

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