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Mouse Trap!


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Woke up this morning to my cat freakin' out, tearing shit out of my garbage can and tearing up the room. She does this all the time but usually with just a piece of paper she cornered under a desk. This time it was a plump little mouse. My gf did the mouse dance and split, leaving me and the cat to corner the beast. As I sat on the floor, holding the bed up so the cat could get under to give chase, the mouse was running all around me, under my legs, using me as a shield. I give the cat some credit b/c she did most of the leg work, but in the end, I take full credit for the kill. A nice duo we made!

What have you had in your house?? Ive chased out gophers, bats and birds...

Any weird animal in the house stories??

I should mention that we have a cat door so she comes and goes as she pleases...leaving the gates of hell wide open to her bringing anything in...

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there is a family of birds in the wall in my bathroom. we just moved in.. at first i thought they were squirrels, but one day sitting out on the deck i watched as the little birdies flew in and out of a hole in the eave.

we do have a squirrel who stalks our deck.. we're actually very scared of him. i think he wants in.

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just the other day he came back to the trail with a face full of porcupine quills. $350 later....... not pretty.

That sucks. I remember being on a hunting trip (yeah hippies, hunting) with my dad years ago and our dog got a mouth full..through her lips, tongue, etc. Sat there for a couple of hours watching pops pull those quills out one by one. Not cool.

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I once fell asleep on my couch, along with my girlfriend. This was years ago, and I lived in a place with 1970's style beads that divided the front hallway from the kitchen, and then the other side of the kitchen from the living room. It was a really hot summer, so we had left the front door, which led into the front hallway, ajar.

I woke up, and said to my then-girlfriend, "Pumpkin (my cat) just chased a bird into the house." Girlfriend: "There's no birds out at this hour. It must be a bat."

We went back to sleep.

Moments later, we both jumped up, realizing what we had just said.

I then tried to get my vicious cat to get this thing back out of the house, considering he did chase it through two sets of beads and into my living room. Pumpkin, however, just demanded dinner, so I fed him. He then just walked out of the house.

I grabbed my other cat; who was huge, fat, and clawless. He chased the bat around and around the room, but the poor thing was afraid to try to get back through the beads, even if we separated them. My cat landed on this thing about 20 times, but given his lack of claws it must have been like being pinned down by two tiny pillows. The bat just kept getting back up and flying around.

We eventually chased it out through both sets of beads; no thanks to either cat!

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I like bats; I've found them endearing ever since seeing a community of them in Indonesia, when you can see what cute furry little mammals they are. Once had a bat nearly drown in a toilet in the middle of the night in a house I lived in in Kingston (for it's sake I was glad it had been flushed, and I hadn't got down to business) - couldn't get out, from slipping on the porcelain. I fished him out, left a bit of food and water for him, and the door open, and he was gone in the morning. I always wondered how he would explain that back at the cave.

SM, I hear you about useless hunting cats. We have mice in our attic, who periodically meander down, and we've completely failed at getting our cat interested in chasing them down. By the time we had our first sight of said cat and our new bunny snuggling together and generally hanging out, we came to the conclusion that we're just not cut out for getting rid of animals.

The hard part is not surrendering now to the impulse to accumulate as many animals as possible (I wouldn't mind nicking one of those cool llamas from the farm down the road).

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I, too, like bats; ever since that day. Whenever he landed on the wall, I saw how cute he was; seriously. (I still wanted him out, though.)

As well, Pumpkin was actually a vicious, hunting cat; no joke. It appears, however, he would only use his powers for evil.

... and yes; everyone wants a llama; ideally one who comes with its own pet monkey.

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Any weird animal in the house stories??

niffermouse and i have a 130+ year old house with an uncountable number of entry points for mice. we also have several cats. if jennifer hears the ruckus when they get one, she will collect it before they hurt it, put it in a small cage for observation, and then release it.

in the yard :)

i really want to tag this mouse as i'm sure it's the same guy time after time.

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