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sore throat remedies...help me, please!!!!

Calamity Jane

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hey everyone this is the ultimate pain reliever if you can choke it down!

take a quarter cup of warm water, crush to aspirins in it(acethminaphen), then gargle and swallow.

keep in mind this tastes disgusting and will probably make you gag but will instantly stop the pain and relieve swelling. then don't talk and whispering is very bad for the thoart and chords!

trust me I'm an expert.

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if your throat is sore, gargle some water with a few drops of tea tree oil in it.

if you're coughing or congested, pour some boiling water in a bowl, put a few (5-15) drops of tea tree oil in, put your face over it and cover your head in a towel to keep the steam in. it's pretty intense and hot at first while the tea tree evaporates, but it works so good...

rosemary, thyme, and lavender are also good ones to use. a combo is nice too :)

hope you're better!

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if your throat is sore, gargle some water with a few drops of tea tree oil in it.

if you're coughing or congested, pour some boiling water in a bowl, put a few (5-15) drops of tea tree oil in, put your face over it and cover your head in a towel to keep the steam in. it's pretty intense and hot at first while the tea tree evaporates, but it works so good...

rosemary, thyme, and lavender are also good ones to use. a combo is nice too :)

hope you're better!

you and Friendly could have a tea tree face off... :P danged tea tree pushers!!! }:(

......okay its good shit I guess..........

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If you're going the anitbiotics route (which, as a pseudo-doctor I would not recommend), I would highly recommend you start taking Lactobacillus as soon as you complete the antibiotics. You need a lot of the bacteria that the antibiotics will kill off. This is especially true as a woman. Take my advice, it's easier to deal with than a yeast infection.

You can find Lactobacillus in a cooler in the health food section of your grovery store or probably at any pharmacy. I'm not bluffing; heed what I have to say here.

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oh my lovely, loving friends! I love you right back for the love you send!

thanks for the concern and advice, Will. Already have lactobacillus in the fridge. I did pause (for a microscecond) on the antibiotics. Last time I took some was intravenously after Leona Mae's birth, and before that....five years previously again. Not something I do often, or wantonly, BUT I have not been THIS sick either for a least a good 5 years, so figured I'd give my system a boost and the bugs a nasty shock.

But onto more pressing matters. I had NO idea you were a pseudo-doctor. How cool is that!?! I'm curious and anxious for more of your pseudo-doctorly suggestions. You've never steered me wrong yet!

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The health of your vagina is important to me. In fact, the health of each and every vagina is important to me which makes me feel like breaking into song!

[sung to the tune of Jesus Loves The Little Children]

\/\/i!!y loves all the vaginas,

All the vaginas in the world.

Red and yellow, black and white,

They are precious in his sight.

\/\/i!!y loves all the vaginas in the world!

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I don't know if you're a sick, sick man, or absurdly brilliant!

As Grandpa Simpson would say: "A little from column A, a little from column B."


Friday: Freeze. FBI: the jig is up.

Abe: All right, I admit it: I am the Lindbergh baby. Waah! Waah! Goo goo. I miss my fly-fly dada.

Friday: Are you trying to stall us, or are you just senile?

Abe: A little from column A, a little from column B.

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