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The Corporation


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- the Corporation explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time. Footage from pop culture, advertising, TV news, and corporate propaganda, illuminates the corporation's grip on our lives. Taking its legal status as a "person" to its logical conclusion, the film puts the corporation on the psychiatrist's couch to ask "What kind of person is it?" Provoking, witty, sweepingly informative.

Click Here to stream the movie free.

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Guest Low Roller

I saw this documentary in theatres about two years ago. It's essentially along the same lines as the Micheal Moore movies; an inflammatory spin or corporations and governments that appeals to our jaded generation.

The best part was when the Phizer CEO (or whoever it was) tries to prove to the reporter that Phizer is a loved part of the community. He pretty much strikes out on every occasion, culminating with a hilarious failure of the emergency system Phizer donated to a local subway.

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I watched about 40 minutes of it last year and nearly fell asleep. It couldn't hold my attention for some reason.

well fill up on coffee and try it again. it is a bit slow, but imo well worth it. me and niffer bought the DVD and have seen it a lot. the gist of it is "okay, so corporations have the same legal rights as people. if a corporation were a person, what sort of person would it be?"

you can probably guess the ending :)

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This is one of my favourite movies out there.

Contrary to some opinions, it is nothing like a Michael Moore documentary. This was done by a UBC Law professor, and it accurately depicts the fiduciary duties of officers of corporations, which cause them to have no other choice in law than to act in a manner that most people would consider psychopathic.

Brilliant. Everyone should see it (including Bouche, who should arrange for someone to keep stabbing him with a pin to keep him awake for the whole thing).

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I have the same editing complaints. I found it took a while to get going, and I think it should have done a better job explaining some of the legal aspects of everything right a the start. I was lost a couple of times but I held in there and was able to catch up.

I also though that it could have ended about a half hour before it really did.

It has been since it was in the theatres when I saw it so unfortunately I can't give you a shot by shot recount of what I though worked and what didn't but those were my thoughts leaving the theatre for sure.

Other than that I enjoyed it. And I thought it did a good job providing solutions that people from different walks of life and different socio-economic backgrounds could follow. The unfortunately reality is that we can't all boycott shopping at Wal-Mart. Some people just can't afford to shop anywhere else.

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