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Superjam this past weekend


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walked in about 30 minutes in and found phil up there running through "casey jones" and then "goin down the road..."

not bad.

then mr. Completely. This was pretty good. those Duo boys have some chops.

Then the new songs that they wrote together.

god awful.

I left after the 2nd new song.

i mean really trey, you're getting old and adult comtemporary, but don't write songs about it.

I am worried the tour is going to be like this too.

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I absolutely loved the Superjam. The new songs didn't really stand out but it was fun to see a show that I really didn't expect to see. Joe Russo absolutely kills those drums!!!!

When Phil came out and did Casey Jones and Going Down The Road Feeling Bad, the energy was unreal!!!

Thanks Bonnaroo!

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I have to agree with some of what been said here. The jams with Phil were good, the old songs were decent, but the new songs.....very blah..

...I lost interest really quick. I mean the lyrics dont grab me at all. The harmonic progressions are very tired and predictable...I mean lets move beyond triads already! And the groove is very minimal and ballady. I hope the new songs are not like these. having said that the playing was decent.

One other thing, it seemed like more of a Trey, and the Duo set rather than a jam. I liked the super jams in the past when cats would get up play a tune then new players would sub in etc... Just seemed like another set to me.

Best part was Phil...

Man I hope Trey and Mike get some inspiration soon, it s all soo predicatble and bland. Questioning if I should buy tickets tot he Toronto show.

Hmmmmm..... :crazy:

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damn I wish I was there, what I've been reading is that they are playing mostly new orginal material, hopefully the songs are still developping... still can't wait to see Trey, I haven't seen any Solo shows, last time I saw Phish at Satatoga in 2004 I believe, I was pretty sure that Trey wasn't ever going to quit touring, so I've been pining to see him ever since.

I've got tix for Toronto and some of the Evolve Crew, but i'm still tempted to see the Phil N' Friends at Darrien Lake, July 8th I think. Chameleon, you want to come down to that?

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My view was that the Phil jams were sweet... Mr Completely was off the hook... a wee bit short as far as past jams have been with TAB but the energy was high... there were a couple of cheesey songs but the potential is definitely there... the fit these guys have together is sweet... Very good times!!

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