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Why no sunshine up Antibalas' ass?


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oh i've gone off...

these are some of my past posted comments about antibalas.

"best new band i've seen this year. (and I saw the slip for the first time this year)"

"danced harder than i've ever danced in my entire life, and i wasn't on drugs"

"i'd go to bonneroo this year just for antibalas"

just to name a few i remember....i really really like antibalas.

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I liked them too, and their set was super fun, but I've seen them 3 times now, and its been a very similar show everytime. The never-changing basslines and vampy guitar work wore on my nerves this time a little, but i still thought they were good.. after my first time I definitley sounded more enthusiastic. The horn section is way better than the first time I saw em.. I was hoping they (and randolph) would've sat in with mmw. ah well.

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Antibalas are one of my favorite live acts. I love going to see these guys. Every time I see them, they play new material, re-worked material, and cover funky Fela tracks. I personally have never seen them play two identical shows... sure, the beats and basslines are consistent throughout each track, but thats what dance music is based on... the new deal are the kings of repetition, and the kids dig it. i say, repeat on.

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i've got to get onside with gentel monkey here. They are tight as hell, and it's a fun show the first 2 times. After that it's all the same. Good party though. One other complaint is that every Antibalas tune is almost identical to a Fela tune. The other problem is that Fela has a very political message in his music which kind of justifies the repetititiveness (sp?) (think reggae). Antibalas is kind of missing the message part, but has the groove down.

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I agree that the show on saturday, was awesome. I even would go so far to say that I enjoyed it more than the allman bros, partly because i saw them in Toronto which i thought was the better show and partly because we were pretty far back on friday. I could see how antibalas could get a little repetitive, i've seen them twice now and can't wait to see them again. we picked up the new antibalas cd (talkatif) and it's definetly worth checking out. the liner notes also refer to the message the some of you are looking for although it was hard to pick up at the show. anyways i was really surprised that no one included antibalas on their highlight list on that thread, because although i wasn't able to catch as many bands as i wanted they were my favourite band of the weekend.

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i definitley think they are getting 'messages' across. self-distancing from the US governmnt for the most part. never a bad idea [Wink] mostly messages of equality and peace.. the big congo dude has taken on more of a frontman role, and isn't quite as talky as the old speaker/leader, who is the baritone sax player (who's name i forget- but i thought was antibalas).. anyway, I've liked them since i got the first record 2 years ago and to reiterate what i said before, they are a really good band!!

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Thanks Kung.

These guys were probably the best new act I saw at the Bluesfest.

I'm surprised that no one has gone off about these guys yet? Their show on Saturday was fucking beautiful, so rhythmic and energized, and I think they pulled off a great sound with so many different players and musicians. If you'd never heard Fela before you might have been shocked and awed even moreso, but I for one loved how they drew from such a strong influence. Didn't feel like they copped it too much or in a negative way.

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Ha ha, maybe I consider myself a kung-in-training where music discernment is concerned, but I'll try not to have such a piss-poor member rating since I hear that affects my Chi, Karma, and ability to surrender to the fro...

I hear the thing about the show seeming repetitive, this was my first time seeing them but by the third show it could be more than enough for one person.

But this, well, this is slightly incorrect:


The other problem is that Fela has a very political message in his music which kind of justifies the repetititiveness (sp?) (think reggae).

In my mind, nothing can actually JUSTIFY repetitiveness. Both reggae and afrobeat are drawing from African roots of rhythm and cross-rhythm, which sounds awfully complicated when you line up djembes , dumbeks and talking drums but is in fact based on very simple and repetitive rhythms being overlayed and multiplied. The point of it is not to amplify the singer or the messenger, but to create a many-to-one (bonus points for my MS Access reference) relationship between rhythm and audience, and induce a trance. I think we're discrediting the skill of musicians who can do this by saying that its purpose is to let the message be heard.

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Antibalas were fun with a great vibe.On my top 5 for the bluesfest.If you have been to carabana or womad you may appreciate the following:considering ther was at least 12 ppl on stage the don't seem to have the ability to go to the next level with there music (melodies).At any world beat festival or afrobeat band playing you will hear the same and often better.It is great to have a jam scene friendly afrobeat band though to shake things up south of the border like Wassabi does north of the border.(similar world beat flavours) [Wink]

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