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so after quite a bit of thought.....

art is the most impressive thing humans have to show for our existance. Its a beautiful concept. No matter how advanced, or rudamentory we may get as a speicies, one thing is for certain, HUMANS CREATE ART. Somthing that no other living creature can do. The fact that we as living things do this, pretty much sums it up THE BIG PICTURE. There might be intellegent life out there in the vast emptyness of space, but we might be the only ones that can CREATE ART.

the concept of art blows my mind and i've been thinking about it for about an hour now.

If I had to rank the arts, I think I'd put music as NUMBER 1 with POETRY comming in with a close second.

I'll try to come up with an effective way to write out my reasoning and get back to you.

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okay , so here goes.

The fundamental goal of all art is to express an idea or a point of view regarding one's existance. It can be hugely complex or inanely simple, and it can be both all at the same time (most incredible art is both with out ever trying to be either). Most of the art that really gets me, I describe with one word. ENIGMA. Somthing that is vastly complex to the point that its infinite and timeless, but at the same time, can be related to the most simple idea. WILD.

So anyway, why music is number one, is MUSIC when pulled off effectively, when connected with the right person, at the right time, does this in its most BASIC form. FEELING.

Music strips the human existance down to the absolute core. RHYTHM is key, and has been for centuries in all spiritual gatherings.

I've been there, I've felt it, I've had the out of body experience. I UNDERSTOOD IT ALL. MUSIC MADE THIS POSSIBLE.

why I say poetry is number 2 is a poet can describe the out of body zone with a few words....describe the indescribable...poetry...holy shit.

then again, a painter can do the same and so can writer and so on and so forth.

I guess its all about CONNECTION.

to me, music is number one because the connection is so strong...i guess its all relative.

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so after quite a bit of thought.....

art is the most impressive thing humans have to show for our existance. Its a beautiful concept. No matter how advanced, or rudamentory we may get as a speicies, one thing is for certain, HUMANS CREATE ART. Somthing that no other living creature can do. The fact that we as living things do this, pretty much sums it up THE BIG PICTURE. There might be intellegent life out there in the vast emptyness of space, but we might be the only ones that can CREATE ART.

the concept of art blows my mind and i've been thinking about it for about an hour now.

If I had to rank the arts, I think I'd put music as NUMBER 1 with POETRY comming in with a close second.

I'll try to come up with an effective way to write out my reasoning and get back to you.

Did you see Steve Earle at Bonnaroo? Cuz he said almost the exact same thing.

Art's cool, I dig it.

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Nice thoughts (had to note the post-times :) ). Way I figure, art of all sorts is the only thing that keeps us from draining the Earth dry or blowing it to pieces in desperation.

I wonder too at the blurred boundaries between us and other animals when I wake up trying to understand the phrasing and polyphony the birds are making outside the window. All higher animals, too, seem to get the idea of "play", and code what they do as such in identifiable ways.

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i know i'm going back thousands of years here, but the simple fact that we have enough disposable time to create anything that isn't required for survival is amazing to me. That we all work together so that neccessary energy expended is at it's minimum is great. Think about it....if you're busy gathering food, water, and flamables so that you can survive to tomorrow you don't have much time or energy for anything else. THAT is where it's at i think. It's human intelligence that allows for artisitc notions, not the other way around. community, which inspires culture (of which art is an extrension), is what's so impressive to me.

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