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SlowCoaster this Saturday @ Mavericks Ottawa


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I think they'll be last, and there are two other acts, so I'm guessing midnight, maybe? (Note that Tom Fun Orchestra has one or two Slowcoaster members in it, so I plan on being there for all three acts to maximize my Slowcoasterity this evening.)



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Look it's 9:25 Guelph Standard Time - if you're still on the fence just get down there. Tom Fun were ridiculously good, and I'm almost embarassed to say better than my beloved Slowcoaster, they are like a bomb ass Silver Hearts. I'm sure the Coaster will kill, I'm listening to Leaves the album right now and am duly impressed. There is a nice reddish sunset in Guelph, I just saw a light electrical shower, what is that expression about 'red sky at night sailor's delight, red sky at morning sailors take warning'.

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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Mavericks, Ottawa, ON

New York On A Dime

I Don't Live Today[1]

San Simone

Prison Guard

Holding Down The Fort >

Evil Astronaut

Empty Bottle >

Brakes Don't Work


50 Cent Blues >

Fill Up The Pipe With Ganja >

50 Cent Blues


You Can't Change Me

On The Patio

[1] Jimi Hendrix cover.

Sloco was their usual heavy amount of fun; the Hendrix cover blew me away (esp. because they don't do covers that often).

The other two acts were pretty good. Carmen Townsend has an amazing set of pipes, even if it was a bit hard to understand the exact words she was singing. Tom Fun Orchestra had a real East Coast ceilidh feel to it, but got a bit sledgehammery at times.

The Slowcoaster show is uploading even as I type; with any luck, it'll be available for mass consumption later this day.



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