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Hey Skanks !


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Hey folks,

Met a couple of you before the show last night, and then many, many of you at Cully's afterwords. Cully, thanks for being such a great host! And LargeMarge too (I think I might have met you on my way out, and not sure I was ever introduced or figured out who your third housemate is...)

I'm horrible with names, but usually good with faces. But meeting so many and trying to keep real names, boardie names, and faces all straight... well, just a bit of overload. Wasn't sure who was from TO, GTA, or Ottawa.

Great to meet you folks!

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i can't believe how many cool skanks i met last night. the t-dot crew rocks! it was so nice to meet all of you.

thanks again cully, LM and livingstoned! you guys have a great place.

it was so wonderful to put names to faces and meet so many of you. i had a really fun time.

got home about an hour ago, feeling tired and not looking forward to getting up for an early flight tomorrow. but vacation is great :)

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did we meet? I was in such a rush and mindboggle, I didn't get to hang around much beforehand as I had to meetup with someone, so I'm not sure who I actually got to say hi to.

I did a couple of smiles and waves to people that I had hoped to take furthur without breaking up their conversations post-show, but I missed out on Shakey and Esau along with a few others.

I did get my Luke fix. Hadn't seen him in quite a long time. 4 of us chugged a beer that he brought in about 20 seconds. I think it got 5 passes.

We were listening to The Slip at CTMF on the way back and I think I heard him monkeying around ;)

I can't mention any scotty's because Team Scott was just here. I saw them enough already ;)

My friend Dave Andrews took alot of my attention because we went to highschool together and I haven't seen him in nearly 2 years. I also got to chat with TimmyB for a few hours afterwards. Mostly the reasons for missing reunions at Cully's. Nice to see Cully again too. I never remember his face for some reason. Must be because of the events I meet him at require a certain level of drunkeness.

James and Joe...where are you? Man, I grabbed a beer to run up and spend a quick chat with you, but I lost y'all. You probably don't read here, so I'll have to dig up email addys.

I didn't get enough of Basher or Schwa. Just quick hugs and smiles.

I love these events for the fact that I get to see so many people that I only read about online. Unfortunately, they can be too short.

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and just think greg.....i never took one picture!

Don't worry, I got a few beauties :)

The after-party finally wrapped up sometime last night (Sherman was the last to check out just after midnight). Cully's alarm had been going for at least an hour already when I left for work this morning... not sure what time he finally crashed. What an awesome time :) I met these two guys from Newmarket in the park pre-show and felt so cool as I waved and said hi to about a fifty different Skanks on the way in... they were like "holy shit you know a lot of people here!" I have a feeling that's why the crowd was so pumped at the show... half of them were us!

Thanks for being so great everyone :)

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