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WATERMELON SLIM: Thursday, Aug 10th:PJC. A MUST!!


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Motherfuck, motherfuck, motherfuck, motherfuck, motherfuck, assorted additional expletives. I have been dying to see Slim for a long time, and once again, I have a gig in Toronto the night that he's in Hamilton. Fucking shit.

If you've heard this guy's record, you know. If you haven't, you need to. It's a self-titled with his band The Workers, released 2005 on Northern Blues.

Everybody must go see this man perform.

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Just looking at Slim's blog and came across something interesting. He lists a bunch of his favourite albums, saying that for every record on the list there's 50 more to be mentioned. Most of it is straight blues, some I've heard of, others I now want to hear. He throws in a couple surprises like The White Album and Wish You Were Here, too. Then, at the end of the list:

Howlin Wolf isn't even on the list, nor is Sonny Boy Williamson II. Nor /Wheels of Fire/. Nor /American Beauty/. How can the Dead not be on the list!? No Bob Dylan? No Ray Charles? No Simon and Garfunkel's /Sounds of Silence/? No freakin Steppenwolf or Zep? No Rolling Stones Records, fer chrissake? No Roger Miller?

No Robert Johnson?

See what I mean, ratings are utterly useless. It aggravated me when Rolling Stone was naming all of its big lists of greatest-this and greatest-that. But here ya go, y'all. I could write you all night about music I've listened to, dug, used in my shows, but we're on the road tonight for Sioux City tomorrow. Or Des Moines. Wherever the heck we end up, lol.

Somebody's evidently been teaching Slim about internet lingo.

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Man, I can't say enough how fucking awesome this band is. Slim is a class act. the Workers too.

They are playing tonight at the Silver Dollar. Saturday and Sunday in Kitchener. People must go.

You probably could have caught his last song or two if you came staight here. They only put on about a 3 hour show.

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