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WTTS disc

mark tonin

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This disc is growing on me, that's for sure. I listened to it once a while ago, and wasn't grabbed by it, but put it on again the other day and really enjoyed much of the disc. It's got a strong modern progressive rock element to it.

I like the vocals in the first few tracks ... poetic story-telling rather than singing.

And I'm guessing I know who "listens to Jerry in the morning." ;):)

Track 8 (here kitty) is infectious! A jammed out version would be fun!

Peace, Mark

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I'm sensing that Deeps bribed Tonin to say that though.

No bribes involved, although maybe I should have asked for compensation. :)

No one actually says shit like "It's got a strong modern progressive rock element to it."

I guess I'm a no one! Oh well, I've been called worse. :D

I couldn't think of a better way to describe a cd that contains lots of progressive rock which uses modern sounds. I'm open to creative writing suggestions from an expert writer. ;) :grin:

Seriously, I like the disc, and have been humming bits of it to myself all morning.

Peace, Mark

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Ahhh Zero.....have you even heard the CD? I'd like to get your take on it. Not similar enough to Green Go I think you might say these days :P

That humming thing...that's a good sign Mark, thanks for taking time out to say you're into what we've done.



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Come to think of it, I actually bought my copy of the cd, so I didn't even receive the cd as compensation. Damn, I've got to negotiate more aggressively next time! :)

Good luck with things Deeps. I haven't listened to much progressive rock in the last number of years, although as I've mentioned before, that was pretty much all that I listened to for a period of time in my life. I enjoy when that element weaves its way into and out of other styles of music.

Peace, Mark

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I love jamgressive rock too.

Of course I've heard (listened to) the disc Deeps. I like it I just wouldn't listen to it with any regularity but that's true of a lot of prolific musicians discs. I just think it's funny that Tonin spat out your party line: "We're not a jamband we're a progressive rock band". Don't sound too much like Tarkus to me.

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Come to think of it, I actually bought my copy of the cd, so I didn't even receive the cd as compensation.

I tried to pay for mine. I really did. I even sent the band a cheque.

Being dumbass musicians, though, they lost the cheque and don't seem too interested in getting a new one from me. (I think I understand why bands have business managers.)

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You raise me up StoneMtn

I am amazingly aware of the sausage party that would ensue if we went to the ELP motif and have some plans for some popgressive rock funk in our futures.

Being willing to evolve and being aware of the current state of our sound and the effect it will have on our longevity and accessibilty will lead us forward.

I am proud of our first full length album, and also see that we've deviated from some good ideas we had on our EPs that we would do well to allow to see the light of day again. While nurturing the positive progress and increased sophistication of our effort on Turn we need to be sure to not become enamored with excellence.

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While nurturing the positive progress and increased sophistication of our effort on Turn we need to be sure to not become enamored with excellence.

Too true! Not enough bands strive for and revel in mediocrity. ;)

(For the record, I like "Turn" a lot. I almost hear a bit of Cake influence off the top of it.)



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I also quite enjoy this record. I spin it regularly on my show. Hell, I wrote the bio on the WTTS website.

I tell you, though; when I first got my hands on a pre-release copy months ago, I thought it was cool but it didn't immediately grab me. Then again, it was an early mix and the tracks weren't split up the same way they are on the release copy. Then I wrote a piece on the band and hauled out the disc and gave it a listen again, and it really started to grow on me. Those tunes fresh in my brain, I did all three shows on the CD release weekend to research for writing the bio, and man did it hit me once I saw it live. I left the last show, new disc in hand and now it makes perfect sense to me. "Monsoon" is an incredibly powerful tune.

But Deeps already knows I love him and his cronies, dontcha?

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Another thing about the WTTS guys: they're really clever when it comes to putting on (and enhancing the visual effect of) their stage show. Inglewood Jack gleaned some neat ideas from them when we opened for them at Dekcuf in mid-September, the results of which will (we hope) be apparent at the next IJ gig.



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Another thing about the WTTS guys: they're really clever when it comes to putting on (and enhancing the visual effect of) their stage show. Inglewood Jack gleaned some neat ideas from them when we opened for them at Dekcuf in mid-September, the results of which will (we hope) be apparent at the next IJ gig.



I was thinking you guys should have an Inglewood Jack dummy on stage... run with the idea of IJ as a character apart from the band members. The dummy could start out really simple then become more detailed with each successive show. Maybe you could mechanize it and he could move his arms around, kinda like Iron Maiden's Eddie.

I'm serious!

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This really interesting but seriously whacked out group from Toronto Friendly Rich has a weird creepy marionette in their show- a central part.

They do some really strange stuff. Like at their last show they made a prank call to the Blue Lagoon spa here in Guelph on the overhead speaker and were asking the woman (Romanian sex worker) how much a package of massages for their mother would be. 'No, no not that massage'. He was all like 'No my mom loves massages!'.

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