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Used Real christmas tree's?


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Well i have this bright idea that it would be really fun, to load them back on the roof of the car. After newyears drive them up to durham and throw them in the fire pit, Pile them up and burn them. It could be like our own little burning man. I think they would burn pretty nice. The more the better, and warmer. If we had say 40 or 100. It would be a Great Burn and a good time too. Just a thought. Who knows. I guess we will see if it Catches on. (No pun intended)

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I have to say the idea of a "used" Christmas tree is pretty novel to me.I never thought of it that way.Used kind of implies "can still be used/reused" to me.As ours is generally just the bloody trunk because I never remember to water it I have no idea what I would use it for besides fire wood that won't burn properly.

Sort of like I dont consider the bones left after I eat a piece of chicken as "used" chicken.

As to what I do with it the tradition is to let all the needles drop to the floor to never be completley eradicated from the house,then push the thing outside whilst cursing,break out into a rash from the needles,forget the actual Christmas tree pick up day,then push it into a vehicle whilst cursing and drive it to my mothers to burn it.

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So dirty bird i guess what your saying is that your tree is already spoken for.

Ya know somtimes the holidays can be hecktick. And somtimes ya just can't wait for them to be over. And sometimes you Just never want christmas never ever to end.

I think i know of a really cool place to pile them ontop of one another. Into a crazy colossal pile of kindleing tinder. Warm cabins and plenty of ground for winter camping.

This sounds like a good idea to me. Let me hear some feed back skank-a-roonies. I know you got it in ya. Ya wanna Burn yur tree or let it look like hell on the curb. after the Burn. We could Play music and sing songs. take friggin maple syrup and pour it on snow and eat it. all kinds of winter stuff. It will be Great. I havn't the slightest idea how to convince/lure ya's to the burn pile. Free beer seems to work. But That ISn't Going to happen.. Anyways HAPPY HOLIDAYS ya Fine Group of individual people. AND stay safe and Sound.


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DURHAM, ON (AP) Jan 6, 2007 -- Local police and firefighters are at a loss today after a raging fire broke out in the middle of a largely unpopulated area. Officials say that a small group of heavily intoxicated "neo-hippies" were pouring gasoline onto a stack of used Christmas trees, lighting it with cigarette lighters then dancing around the ensuing bonfire, chanting "We want fish".

Witnesses confirm that guitars, maple syrup bottles and tents were thrown onto the fire once it started burning out and the revellers then left the fire unsupervised in order to look in the surrounding area for other sources of fuel. Once distracted, police say the partygoers seemed to forget about the fire and were entranced by the moon and stars, staring at them in awe, long enough for the fire to get out of control. Const. Larry Lamarue of the Durham police dept confirmed this activity as being consistent with psychadelic drug use.

Charges are pending.

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DURHAM, ON (AP) Jan 6, 2007 -- Local police and firefighters are at a loss today after a raging fire broke out in the middle of a largely unpopulated area. Officials say that a small group of heavily intoxicated "neo-hippies" were pouring gasoline onto a stack of used Christmas trees, lighting it with cigarette lighters then dancing around the ensuing bonfire, chanting "We want fish".

Witnesses confirm that guitars, maple syrup bottles and tents were thrown onto the fire once it started burning out and the revellers then left the fire unsupervised in order to look in the surrounding area for other sources of fuel. Once distracted, police say the partygoers seemed to forget about the fire and were entranced by the moon and stars, staring at them in awe, long enough for the fire to get out of control. Const. Larry Lamarue of the Durham police dept confirmed this activity as being consistent with psychadelic drug use.

Charges are pending.


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We want fish. Beautiful.

In Moncton every year everybody brought their xmas trees to Centennial Park and the fire department burnt them while we all drank and hung around. I always thought it was cool, and I was surprised to find that every town doesn't do it.

That used to happen in Antigonish too. They switched to wood-chipping due to concerns about the carbon output of burning them all, plus the safety concerns.

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