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Why Glowstick wars suck


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I agree - glow stick wars do suck for the band - however I was at the Went when the whole glowstick thing started, and I was also at IT this past weekend, and the glowstick wars at both were AMAZING. It was a very cool thing to see. There are some idiots who chuck them up at stage, but most people keep them in the crowd and enjoy the spectacle they provide.


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Is phish for or against them?

I noticed the image in their IT gallery, and it wasn't labelled in a negative way. I just said "post glow-stick war".

I'd imagine that if they were against them, they wouldn't show the pic out of the few images in their IT gallery, or they'd at least point out that glow-stick wars aren't good.

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I would guess that if they were against them they would not post an image from the end of a glowstick war. It is a pretty unique thing to see at a show. It adds to the spectacle that is Phish already.

I am just as against getting hit in the head with a glowstick as anyone, however I haven't been hit at any of the shows I have been to yet, but if I was a taper I would be more concerned.


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Originally posted by Booche:

Heck, I'd be willing to drop the lawsuit if just one person would come forward and take responisbility. If your willing to testify in court that the person sitting next to you through a glow stick onto the floor at Hampton, I wont have to sue Hampton of DP.

Deal. My buddy Matt through (i assume this should read 'threw') a glow stick onto the floor at hampton. he was the one sitting next to me.

Can you drop your lawsuit now?

Who is this guy? Something makes me envision newbie frat-boy, who was probably chucking them too, and he got hurt. I do feel bad for the guy. That's gotta really suck to get a serious eye injury, and it also sucks that it would happen at a show, when there are so many other places to hurt yourself. However, even though i admit that i am prejudging this guy, not knowing a thing about him, i'd like to know a few more of the details before totally sympathizing with him.

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A quick Google search found that one dude is suing Hampton and Dionysien [sic] Productions after getting hit in the eye and losing 80% of his vision.

This is a portion of what he has to say:

To all of those people who attacked me verbally, I pose one question: Who is responible for my inuries? How can I be expected to protect myself with an umbrella or other device without any advance warning? All I wanted to do was see a Phish show. What did I do wrong? I was standing on the floor, enjoying the show, and then my life was ruined. Again, who is responsible? Who will make sure that my son has food to eat now that I cant work?

Nobody, thats who. That is why I'm suing. If you feel I'm going after the wrong party, then suggest a new course of action before you attack me. Heck, I'd be willing to drop the lawsuit if just one person would come forward and take responisbility. If your willing to testify in court that the person sitting next to you through a glow stick onto the floor at Hampton, I wont have to sue Hampton of DP.

Chris Kuroda says this about the whole thing (read the topic, GLOWSTICKS, not rings)

Chris speaks: In an interview with Jeff Waful for Jambands.com, Chris kuroda voiced support for rings versus sticks: "I think that the glow-rings, the kind that fit together in the little plastic insert, they're great. They look great flying around up there. They're not gonna hurt a fly. The thick, plastic glow sticks are hurting lots of people in the crowd with serious injuries requiring stitches. Some friends of mine, as a matter of fact [have been injured]. There is no need to throw those. I mean, it looks great and it looks cool and you're at a concert, and it's the heat of the moment. I can understand why people do it, but….. I don't like the glow sticks. Every time it starts, the first thing I tell my two guys is, 'everybody, watch your head; duck.' We're all looking out. Some people really just whip them. I really have no tolerance for that. You're gonna really hurt someone. That's not the heat of the concert-moment getting to you. That's just a jerk whipping a glow stick. [When it first happened, and at the Great Went, it] looked great, but you learn as time goes on. We thought the glowstick thing was gonna be the greatest thing in the world until we realized people were getting hurt. [At one time Trey said "get more of those" but] Since then, I would say that they [the band] are a little down on them. I think they feel the exact same way I do. Get thousands and millions of those little ringed ones. They're thin. They couldn't hurt a fly. Throw them around. They'll look amazing. They really will. But I think everyone's against the thick, plastic ones."

Its pretty fuckin simple................

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