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Liberal MP defects to Tories


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If this defection bothers you and you are considering buying a Mazda in the Toronto area, boycott Dufferin Mazda. Wajid is the owner and is a local media celebrity due to his radio commericals and subsequent guest appearances on The Fan 590 sports radio programs. Morning drive host Don Landry does a perfect immitation of Wajid. Fucking hilarious.

I'm shocked Wajid jumped ship.

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There should be automatic bi-elections everytime this happens.

Wasn't that very idea another of Harper's propositions that he espoused while in Opposition and has completely forgotten now that he's in power?

Edited by Guest
I'm I'm redundant redundant.
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I'm not sure where he stands on all of that. He took in Emerson without flinching, and he made a comment once (on CBC?) that mandatory bi-elections would have meant that when the PCs and The Alliance Party merged, there would have had to have been somewhere close to a hundred bi-elections.

I know that Broadbent (NDP) was vocal, pre-election, about floor-crossing as part of his ethics package, but not sure if Harper ever was. Certainly there are many conservatives, especially from the west, who were. Stephen might have been more neutral though. Would be interesting to dig up some quotes from the aftermath of Stronach's floor crossing and see what he had to say about that in general terms.

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After some research, it would seem that it was not Harper himself who opposed it, but many members of the Conservative Party. When the NDP proposed legislation during Martin's government banning floor-crossing without a byelection, 40 Conservatives voted in favour of the bill, which was unfortunately defeated.

Nevertheless, it's pretty hypocritical to rail against an unelected Senate while at the same time accepting MPs into your caucus who, although they *were* elected, may very well have been elected because of their party affiliation rather than their personal character. The only way to determine the true will of the voters is to hold a byelection. It should have happened with Stronach, Emerson, and anyone else - hell, it should even have happened when Garth Turner left the Conservatives to sit as an Independent.

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Leaving a party the way Turner did, basically getting kicked out, I see differently from someone switching teams mid game. People these days are more likely to vote against a party than for a party. All of these Conservatives and Liberals who have been crossing the floor the past few years, I think, have deliberately hoodwinked and bamboozled the electorate. Emerson is the ultimate example, promising to be a thorn in the side of Harper, then two weeks later turning around to be his bossom biddy.

It's all bullshit.

It's hard to keep pretending that we live in a democracy when this shit flies in our faces every couple of months.

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Why boycott his business? Are we that 'hardcore' where we only shop according to political preference? If you boycott his business, I hope you know how every store owner of businesses you frequent vote. It would only make sense.

True, but Wajid is an elected Liberal official that defected to the Conservatives. I believe this makes it a bit of a special case. If I voted for Wajid in his riding I'd be pissed.

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