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Right- Your most embarrassing sports moment

Davey Boy 2.0

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For some there may be a multitude of memories to share or just a few. I'll give up a couple here

1. PLaying for the HS soccer team, usually there was hardly anyone watching our games but for this particular game the track team was practising and just about to run around the track encircling the field. As they approached I was making a run down the right flank looking to cross the ball, I wound up to hit it, right in front of all these people, the facking ball hit a bump in the pitch & popped up. I missed the ball completely and the whole track team laughed. Not too bad but I felt like a tool.

2. This is a bit better- I reffed a fair bit when i was 17-18, was good for pocket money and whatnot. Well anyway a friend's folks were away one day during the summer so we made up some lemonade spiked with vodka and sat around his pool getting sloshed. I'm not sure how it happened but i realised that i had a game to ref a few hours into it, raced home, picked up the ref shirt and went to the field, got there late and was totalled, running around the pitch, making jokes, making up rules, blew for illegal defence more than once. fucked off right after that game before any coaches or anyone could confront me. oh yes and it was a girls league game i'd been officiating and i ended up dating one of the girls later on, giggedy giggedy

there must be a million stories out there that can top these...

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I played youth soccer and my team was always the worst in the league. One particularly hapless season for "The Wanderers" saw us win only one game. Thing is, the other team was short three players so our coach offered to even out the sides instead of having the other team forfeit the match. And yes, I was one of those three players. So I basically got beat by my own team in the only game we won all year. Players from both sides were giving me hell after the match. Boy did I ever hate my coach for that.

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oh i almost forgot a good one- my 7th grade teacher was the volleyball team coach. i never liked volleyball much but after gym class one day the teacher ("Penguie") pulled me aside and lectured me for not trying out for the school team. So, feeling guilty, i go to the next tryout and the fucking prick cuts me!

for the best in the end but what an asshole!

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gotta get an extra insult in there
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Ive got about a billion. But a few stand out.

In House League Hockey when I was like ten, I asked to play net one game cuz our goalie was away. I wasnt half-bad, but at one point while the play was at the other end of the rink I noticed a strap from my pad dangling by me feet. so not to trip over it I started to bend down to fix it when I noticed the puck slide by me feet and in to the net. I looked up and noticed that it came from the other end of the ice. BURN! My uncle from out of town was at the game too - he made fun of me for a while after that.

Another time I popped up with the bases loaded and kicked first base in disgust - except it was an inground base and I fell flat on my face.

I hit my new boss in the balls during a work road hockey game. He left the game saying, "Im perfectly fuckin fine, dont worry about it!" I tried to apologize again monday morning, and he acted as though nothing had happened. I saw his face that day. He was hurt.

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When I was in middle school my baseball team was practacing in the middle of a park instead of a diamond because of floodding. I was playing outfield during a scrimage and was tracking a fly ball over my shoulder. Little did I realize that there were a row of trees planted back there and ran full on in a six foot tall sapling, knocking myself on my ass.

Another time, my first practice of senior football in high school, I hadn't gotten a belt yet, and during the forty yard dash my pants dropped around my ankles and I finished the race stumbling trying to keep my pants up.

Thanks for the memories. :blush:

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Football practice, punt return drill, ball flew into the sun and then off my helmet as I was trying to snag it.

Went on a high school white-water rafting trip. I flew out of the raft and got hauled back in with me trunks coming right off. The worst part is that there was sections of the run that were videotaped and was shown in the bar each night as everyone was drinking and guess what part was caught on camera.......

I was the butt of a few jokes that night but it got me laid so who's embarrased now?

Getting boarded from behind via a dirty check delivered by Jaimoe was pretty embarrasing because snot flew all over my face. He likes to say he wasnt a dirty player but that is a total crock of horse shit. That was easily the dirtiest hit I have ever been on the end of.

Jaimoe's got a number of embarrasing sports tales. I doubt he will tell any good ones so I will. My favorite is during a pick up game of baseball when we were in our early 20's. The bases are juiced with 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th with Jaimoe at the plate. He was a right handed batter (I think?) and the dude (Scott O'Conner) playing right field was taunting the hell out of him.

"You are going to strike out! You are not going to get the ball out of the infield!" blah blah blah. Finally, Scott comes in from right field and plays about 5 feet behind the 2nd baseman.

"I dare you to try and hit it over me Dave! If you do, you guys easily win but I am not worried, you are going to pop up."

Dave turns to our bench and says "Watch this."

[cue Cliff Claven moment]

Pitch comes in, Dave swings at it with all his might and sure enough, he pops out RIGHT to Scott O'Conner. Scott didnt have to move a single step.

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I have more, but they tend to be the ones that keep me from sleeping at night...

Running through my third base coache's "NO" signal, thinking I had heard "GO," and then getting thrown out at the plate. Last out of the game. No fun. Still bothers me.

Awarded a penalty shot at the famed Christmas hockey tourney in Toronto I shot the puck directly in to the goaltenders chest. Sucked large. Got in a fight in the hallway after the game cuz the other team was making fun of me. It was actually a good brawl come to think of it. I pretty much went berzerk.

On the lighter side, when I was 4 or 5 my parents said I got a hit in T-ball, ran right past first base and took a piss on a tree. I dont really remember this, but why would they make it up?

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i went to a hockey game while i was at Mt Allison, pissed. in between periods this guys i know was doing the "shoot the puck into a cutout hole in front of the net" promos and got me out there. i missed the net entirely of course and the pocket of friends who were chanting my name bugged me all night for that one

not as bad though as the chick at another game who tried the same and split her pants in the process...

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not as bad though as the chick at another game who tried the same and split her pants in the process...

Duuuuuuuuude, that was at a Kingston Canadiens game. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen, outside of Jaimoe sports stories. She was a total trasher chick, hair teased to the heavens, makeup thicker than Krusty the clown and jeans so tight you could snort coke through the pant leg.

Center ice, 2000 people watching and she winds up to take a slap shot. She misses the puck, does a 360 and falls flat on her ass. The ENTIRE arena was going bananas.

As she was coming back to her seats (she was part of the group of people we went with), her friend turned to me and Ralph and said "Guys, please dont make fun of her, she is embarrased enough."

I think we waited all of 30 seconds and the both of us TORE into her. Thanks for reminding me of that one. I am going to bring it up when I see him tonight.

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"shoot the puck into a cutout hole in front of the net" promos and got me out there. i missed the net entirely of course

Same thing happened to me at a Soo Greyhounds game at the ripe ol' age of 8. There was a player signature on the Bauer ad in my program so I got to shoot for a pair of skates. The stick was about 3 feet too long for me and I missed the net by about the same margin. 3000 people laughed.

Worst part - my best friend from two doors down got to shoot the next season and he won his folks $100 in Shell gas. 100 bucks in gas was a big deal back then!!

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I got picked for the all-star boys soccer team in grade 8. I sat on the bench for all 3 of our games, which we lost anyway. Ended up getting in trouble for heckling opposition players from the bench out of boredom.

And I may have violated the "no crying in baseball" rule once or twice.

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Back early in house league hockey, probably Novice before there were full-time goalies, I decided I wanted to give goalie a try. My Dad, who was my coach at the time, tried to convince me otherwise ("you'll never learn to skate playing in net, don't you want to score goals like Wayne?") but I was determined to give it a try.

So being the sly guy that he is, Dad gave me my shot against the top team in our league. We got absolutely BOMBED 13-6 or something like that, I couldn't stop a thing. And thus my goaltending career ended.

In a related story, I went to get my eyes tested and got glasses shortly thereafter. The optometrist had a kid on the aforementioned top team in the league and actually said to me, "Maybe you'll be able to stop some pucks now." GawdDamnedFuckingCocksucker.

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Your dad is my hero.

Alrighty, getting back to the chick at that Kingston Canadiens game who split her pants.....

Her nickname was Heather Hooters (for obvious resons). She really wanted to get boned by Jaimoes buddy Don Norman (oh boy, I think I just heard Dave leave the room). He didnt want to have anything to do with her but he came up with a brilliant plan to help out our good friend Jaimoe, who was a virgin at the time.

"Listen Heather, if you sleep with Dave, I will have sex with you."

She grabbed Thumper and they took off to another room but alas, no sex. I dont know much of the details but I am pretty sure Dave was scared, however, he did say to me after

"I got to second base"

Now, I ask you this my good friends. Who amongst you in grade 12 was still using the on-base analogy? Maybe when we were ACTUALLY 12........

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You know, Jaimoe has been such a great sport throughout all of this, so I will give you my own 'Watch this' story.

Back when I was 22, I attended St Lawrence College in Kingston. They used to have awesome pub nights on Thursdays and we would get tooled up and check it out from time to time. Loose fur all over the place.

Anyways, one night I am Ollie-wasted. Completely pied to the max. I cant remain standing still, else I would fall over. Seeing double and all. Me and a buddy are standing against a wall and I see this chick approaching that used to work with an ex-girlfriend. I turn to him and say "Watch this" with the stupid confidence of a man finishing off his 14th beer.

"Hey, ithint your name Heder?"

"Umm, yeah?"

"Diiaint you uthed to work at McGuiness Landhing?"


"Wanna go out somthtime?"


Jeff Mckillican never let me live it down, nor should he have.

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