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So long everyone (off to Hong Kong)

afro poppa

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Ari...hope you get to look up this thread sometime soon and see all the love being beamed your way; we really will miss ya over this coming summer/festival time

Soak up this experience and enjoy evey minute of the cross-cultural weirdness. It's really such a gift to be able to immerse oneself in another land, language and customs!

Post stories and observations, for sure!!!

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Hey everyone, thanks so much for all your positive energy, it really makes me smile when I see all you wonderful people taking in interest in my travels and wishing me well.

Currently, it is 11 am in Hong Kong and I am extremely hung over from a night a night of drinking hard in Lang Kwai Fong which is this awsome bar strip on the main Island. I was partying it up with some other exchange students...drinking in the streets until 4 am? Niiiiice. I even saw a live band (although they were DEFINATELY not anything I would actually soon see again haha.

Tomorrow I go see my school (I am in a hotel right now) and begin my orientation, I can't wait to meet more people and have more fun times.

Peace and love to everyone


ps - the chinese food here is AMAZING haha

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