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Dead Ipods


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I was just wondering how many of you have an ipod that doesn't work any more, or if you did have one that died what you did with it.

I know they only are suposto last about a year, and all that, but I still use them, I figure if your going to use it enough in a year go for it, just don't expect to keep it long.

anyways, i first bought a 40 gig lasted i think 14 months, then would only work if it was plugged in. I had got the extra plan form best buy, and took it back, long story, and a big fight later got a new one that one died about 13 months later and now i'm on my 3rd.

I bought ipod nano when they first came out, i loved it, used t everyday, then i didnt use it for a few days about a week ago, went to use it, unplugged it, and ta da,, dead, I looked for the bill, turns out i got it about 12 months and a few days, so nothing.

its easy to tell when there smoked cause they wont work if there not plugged into somthing, and when they are they flash the battery is full, and die as soon as you unplug it. they do sell replacments for the newer i guess 60 and 20 gig ones, but even the guy at best buy that sells them said 9 out of 10 people ruin the ipod tyring to replace the battery, and that they wont do it.

anyways, I just bought a new nano, for the gym, and I was talking to the guy at the store about the dead ones. you'd think that apple could re furbish them and re sell them, maybe they do.

but i know I now have a pile with 1 nano and 2 of the 40 gigs, the screen still comes on if there plugged in, and you can play the music off them is there plugged inso there not totally useless, i guess you could hook them up to a sterio and use them as hard drives.

but anyways, I have 3 pretty much useless ipods, the guy at the store said he had a few at home, i know my mom has a dead one and my brother does too

I was just A. wondering if any of you have any dead ones too. and B. what you do with them,, do you use them plugged in or just have them in a pile. or C. what did you do with it? did you send it back and pay to get it fixed, did you buy a new one?

the reason I was wondering this is because there is probably 100's of dead ones just stiing on people shelves, i thought it would be cool, to try and gather as many as possable and do something with them all

like cover the apple store with them at night, or make a big are project, they could make a cool, decortaion on the wall of the subways sation, or somthing. or make a big media stunt, so maybe apple thinks to not make them so cheep?

oh and i know i'm stupid for buying them when i know there going ot die, but i like using them, and i look at it as $0.50 a day to have good music everywhere i go

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maybe everyone didnt know that, yeah the deal is that the estimated life of the battery is like 14 to 18 months, the warrenty they come with is only for a year.

I've hear you can send them in after that a pay, to get them fixed, but aparently its pretty much the same price as a new one. the sell a few batteries at best buy that would fit in your ipod, and there only $35 buck, but aparently if you try and do it your self you will break the ipod.

there are a ton of sites against them that have more info.

Thats why I said to make sure your gonne get your money's worht if you buy it, cause it works out to like $0.64 cents a day if it last a year.

i use mine for 2 hrs almost every day.

if you dont wana waiste money, look for ones that use normal batteries

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irepair.ca in downtown toronto or through the mail is very good at repairing ipods, and they are very reasonable and fast.

i have a third generation 40 gig ipod that i bought in september 2003 and it is still in prime shape, no problems at all. got a new tiny shuffle for xmas and i love it.

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where'd you get that info? As far as I know, they are supposed to last about 5 years with proper care.

Are you sure your iPod is dead? I got freaked a couple of times because my iPod wouldn't respond and there are some measures to take when that happens.

If it's TOTALLY dead, you have to plug your iPod into a wall-jack using the usb converter pluggy thing. If it won't charge and sits dead, the next step is to 'reboot' the fucker.

Apple's FAQ

It depends on the model, but for my 4 and 5G models, you just hold the menu button and the up button for about 5 secs and it starts going again. If you brought it to a repair shop and they charge you to fix it, they probably just held down those buttons and didn't tell you.

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i got my ipod for my 24th birthday, and i'll be 26 in july and it's still workin just fiiiiiiiine. of course now that i say this, it will probably stop working in no time. i'm hoping that by saying that it probably will die, i'm vetoing the murphy's law invoked by my saying it hasn't died yet.

i'll knock on wood just in case.

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Ipods kick ass. If yours is broken then I'm sorry but mine has many thousands of hours of play on it, 3 years old and it works like a charm. It's been dropped more times than I can remember (if not for the gela-skin it would probably be completely ruined on the outside, fortunately the skin takes most of the damage).

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Mine conked out after extensive use for about a year and a half.. they have batteries available for them that are about $80 and apparently you can install them yourself.. I had extended warranty and got them to do it. Oh I am never buying anything from Best Buy again.. the service department likes to give you the run around and I did receive a bit of an attitude from one of them for no reason..

As for Ipod.. I love mine.. and will totally buy another one when mine is finally laid to rest..


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meggo, if you're still wondering, when you have itunes open, click on your ipod on the left so you can see what's on it, click the tracks you don't want on there, highlight em and then press delete.

who knows how to deshuffle the playlist/album selection? i have no idea how this got turned on, so i don't know how to turn it off, and i'm sick of hearin stuff out of order!

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