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Squeee? Hnnnnhunnnd, hooonda.


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Got a few more minutes now.

So, from the ferry to Grand Manan I saw about 40 dolphins/porpoises, and one of the 300 remaining right whales. And that was just the ferry. Then the tour. We trucked a couple of hours into the ocean and eventually found ourselves absolutely surrounded by humpbacks. They swam around and played and eventually decided to get closer and really start clowning around. At one point I saw one coming for the boat and go under the front end. I said nothing to anybody and booted it to the other side just in time to see the whale come up on his side. I stared right into his eye as he swam by me - I really coulda reached out and touched him. And he totally looked at me.

Kinda felt like when I was in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. Who's checking out who here, really.

So, for you east coasters, get yer ass over there and check it out. The whole trip (return ferry ride and the five-hour tour) cost less than $60. You Ontario folks - it's a ten-hour drive to get there, but same deal. Way worth it.

Added bonus - I'm in Halifax right now and about to go see JSB.

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Well, after practising the language, I sety off on a whale-watching tour yesterday. The langauge thing worked, the tour operator said it was the best trip in his 13 years on the job. We spend three hours completely surrounded by a dozen or so humpbacks, breaching and playing with us - even bumping the boat. Awesome sight, seeing 80 tons of critter completely clear the water.

More later.

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Actually, the company I went with, I think it was called Island Coast Tours, only run from Mid-July to Mid-September. The rest of the time he's fishing for lobster. Works out well, 'cuz the lobster season ends with the return of the whales.

One thing to watch out for is fog. When I went out it was the first trip they were able to make in twelve days, and they had lost over 80% of their whale-watching days to fog. In an average season they onle lose about 30% of their days to fog. Seems like I got super lucky.

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