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Why does no one steal bases anymore?

The Chameleon

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Question? Why does no one really steal a lot of bases in the majors anymore? I mean sure some dues might steal 10 or 15, but I remember in the 80's & early 90's people like Ricky Henderson, Vince Coleman, & Gary Pettis were stealing 50-100 bases a year. Back then even dudes like Molitor, Conseco and a many others were stealing 25-40 a year.

So what gives? How has the game changed to facilitate this?

I miss the base stealers, they made the game more exciting...


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jose reyes has stolen 60 or more the past 2 seasons and already has 20 this year.

juan pierre has just missed 60 the past 2 seasons and already has 14 this year.

alfonso soriano was a 40-40-40 man last year... homers, steals, and doubles... the games first, i think.

carl crawford (tampa bay), and hanley ramirez (florida) stole over 50 last year..

ichiro still steals bases...

ryan freel is a base stealer... jimmy rollins... chone figgins... there's still lotsa guys stealing bases out there.

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I agree with you Chameleon. While guys still steal bases, they arent being stolen like they used to. One night Schwa and I were debating how many Ricky Henderson stole in a season, so we looked it up on the net - it was like 125 or something!

No doubt the homerun and inflated paychecks have ruined the art. Guys like Vernon Wells CAN steal bases, but why risk an injury when yer worth a hundred million dollars?

I wish more people stole. Hell I wish more guys bunted and moved runners over. I even appreciate a good sac fly. Its all about the homerun though, cuz that what the people like.

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I wonder if a different scoring system for baseball would make the game more/differently interesting. Rather than "1 runner safe at home plate = 1 point", you give points for other things, too, like a successfully stolen base = 1 point, a runner safe at home plate = 1 point, a home run = 3 points (with no extra point for getting home), a successful sacrificial fly = 1.5 points, an error = -0.5 points, a pitcher who does 3-up/3-down in one inning with no runners getting to base = 2 points, and so on.



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Also, when you play baseball at higher levels, your coaches keep track of good/bad plate appearences. Anything over 7 pitch at-bat = Good, regardless of the final outcome. Anything under, with an out = Bad.

Same goes for pitchers. Plus 7 pitches and runner gets on = Bad.

Without even knowing it, you already know more about baseball than these clowns, Brad.

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Also, when you play baseball at higher levels, your coaches keep track of good/bad plate appearences. Anything over 7 pitch at-bat = Good, regardless of the final outcome. Anything under, with an out = Bad.

Same goes for pitchers. Plus 7 pitches and runner gets on = Bad.

Without even knowing it, you already know more about baseball than these clowns, Brad.

except, thats called "scouting" - not "scoring".

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