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The new Beastie Boys album is....


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....super tight!! Downloaded an advanced copy. Really digging the grooves. Kinda reminds me of MMW but not. I really wish they were doing an instrumental show in TO. I'm not sure if its out officially yet but go get it when it is(I will be too).

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Sweet. Can't wait to get it. I've loved the Beasties for a long time now. I remember getting a tape from a friend when I was in something like grade 7 or 8. It was "Licenced to Ill." I listened to it devoutly on my headphones for about a month and then that silly video of theirs started getting played on MM regularily. I've been a fan since.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I like the CD... The tracks are bad ass. I mean, it's not like they're killer players or anything - well, Money Mark is - but they've got great groove sensibility. And that's what comes out in this CD.

What he said.

I didn't like it too much on first listen as my intial impression was there are people out there that are better at this style. The production value I also wasn't so shit hot on.

Now I love throwing it on in a social setting, great background groove for summer parties and the undiscerning ear.

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