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Pan's Labyrinth


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What a colossal disappointment! It was just a mish-mash of violence and gossip with no underlying theme. It was formulaic and riddled with cliches. There wasn't an original idea or artistic expression to be found. I was really looking forward to watching this movie but I couldn't even get all the way through it. Once the captain started bringing out the torture devices I had to turn it off. The story was going nowhere and I've seen enough gore to last the rest of my life.

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I thought this movie was kind of lame. It seemed like all of the special effects were shown in the previews so I wasn't wowed by that.

Very violent though. The scene where the captain keeps hitting the farmer in the face actually made me turn away from the screen.

This is pretty much the same movie as Tideland, which I also thought was pretty boring.

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i'm SO GLAD someone agrees with me in regards to how much this movie COMPLETELY SUCKS.

i saw it with my mum in theatres when it first came out. don't worry lex, you're not missing a thing by skipping the ending. my mum wanted to leave the theatre, but with 20 minutes left, and the price we'd paid to get in, plus out $3 a piece bottles of water, i was stayin till the end. i think seeing the end, and seeing how nothing really ties together and more questions are raised would only infuriate you more than you already are.

no matter what you've read from critics, it's wrong. this movie isn't like lord of the rings, it isn't worth the nominations and acclimation it got. don't waste your time.

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I liked it.It was hyped far too much-and that always leads to a bit of a let down, plus comparing something to Lord of the Rings is never going to bode well.

However as an ADULT fairytale I think it really worked.The artistic direction was incredible-Pan and that weird hand eye monstyer(seriously Clive Barker esque creepy) were exceptionally well devised(the look of them).The cinematography was excellent-control of contrast and colour.

Of course the story is a bit cliched-um.....pretty much every story like this is drawing on the same mythology.It's nothing like Lord of the Rings but that doesn't make it bad.

I actually appreciated a story in this genre that wasn't blatantly good and evil.

I also thought the underpinning of whether the story was to be literally followed or taken as her way to deal with violence and abuse was well handled.

But no Bowie or codpiece's or musical numbers-Labyrinth wins.

BTW-That scene with the farmer is now one of my top two horrific violent single acts on film-along with the curbing scene in American History X. Gutwrenching,nausea unducing ..but superbly well controlled.

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I liked it. I really hadn't heard that much about it so don't think it was overhyped. I thought it was going to more bowie esque with the labyrinth and that but I thought the story was great and it wrapped up pretty well I thought. It was awesome how the captain got his at the end. He didn't deserve the honor he was asking. Thought it was excellent cinematography as well the way the camera would scroll through the forest and use a tree to swipe to the next scene. The hand/eye monster was very freaky, something out of a tool video and yeah the farmer scene was very disturbing. Its just a movie though if your looking for a life altering experience take some acid or something.

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With all the hype, I too was expecting all sorts of crazy characters and weird fantasy-type stuff. I was confused through-out, for the above-mentioned reason, but overall I really enjoyed it, and I think knowing what to expect, I'll enjoy it even more next time.

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