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Why the NHL beats all other Major Sports Leagues

Kanada Kev

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Why the NHL is better than the MLB

1. There is less steroid use in the NHL.

2. A baseball game has 10 total minutes of action in 3-4 hours.

3. Fighting in baseball leads to suspensions - fighting in hockey is a 5 minute penalty.

Why the NHL is better than the NBA

1. Who would you trust with making use of your money, the gangsta stereotype or the Canadian stereotype?

2. Hockey fights usually stay on the playing surface.

3. In the NBA, one extra foot on the floor was given a 1 game suspension. In the NHL, thats a 2 minute penalty.

Why the NHL is better than the NFL

1. If you're don't support a Canadian team, odds are you wont need to wait 30 years or even 30 weeks for season tickets...

2. Teams play between 16 to 20 games in the NFL. In the NHL, teams play between 82 to 110 games.

3. The play doesn't stop every 10 seconds.

Why the NHL is better than NASCAR

1. In the NHL, skating laps around the ice for seemingly no purpose is a warmup. In NASCAR, thats the event.

2. NASCAR has speed limits, believe it or not. But, its pretty hard to limit shot and skating speed...

3. I've yet to see a NASCAR race on ice...

Why the NHL is better than the MLS

1. Most teams have more top-tier players then the entire league.

2. The NHL doesn't have teams named after consumer products (..anymore)

3. For every injury in the NHL, there is 30 faked injuries in any pro soccer league.

The NHL is better than MLB because you don't see any fat guys on skates.

The NHL is better than the NBA because the stars don't sit out the season until the playoffs with fake injuries.

The NHL is better than the NFL because hockey players can speak complete grammatically correct sentences with or without their teeth.

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The NHL is better than the NFL because hockey players can speak complete grammatically correct sentences with or without their teeth.

And getting back to this, I wouldnt be surprised if the smartest positional players in the 4 major sports come from the NFL. Offensive lineman and QB's are typically bright. Speaking of which, the Indy Colts will draft an O-lineman who may not have the physical tools as the top players on the board but will be highly intelligent because they have to think really facking quick thanks to Peyton constantly changing things at the line of scrimmage.

Its not the grunt work that many people automatically assume it is.

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The NHL is better than the NFL because hockey players can speak complete grammatically correct sentences with or without their teeth.

And getting back to this' date=' I wouldnt be surprised if the smartest positional players in the 4 major sports come from the NFL. Offensive lineman and QB's are typically bright. Speaking of which, the Indy Colts will draft an O-lineman who may not have the physical tools as the top players on the board but will be highly intelligent because they have to think really facking quick thanks to Peyton constantly changing things at the line of scrimmage.

Its not the grunt work that many people automatically assume it is.[/quote']

And to add to that, the NFL has some of the smartest players of the four and have to a man, are the toughest group by a country mile.

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i would have a lot more respect for the NFL if there weren't 85 players on a team. If they played ironman football it would probably be my favourite sport. But why employ 3 players at every position? Imagine how cheap tickets would be if each team had just one team and a few subs.

For what it's worth I think NHL players are much much tougher than any other athletes. 82-110 games per year, practice every day, always playing (no 3rd string players that ride the pine), travel, fatigue, fast pace, nowhere to hide on the playing surface... Should I keep going?

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NHL was comparable with NFL in the toughness category back even to the late 90's, but those days are gone. Every NFL player (even field-goal kickers) and rugby players for that matter, are trained to make and take hits. Every other position player except quarterbacks for the most part (who are insanely tough in their own right) make hits on every play. You have to be tough to be in the NFL. There are no finesse players playing for the Raiders. Even prima donna receivers are tough. The NHL has many types of players from various backgrounds that grew up playing a certain inherited style. Of course there are exceptions to every stereotype, but half the Leafs are pussies that would get laughed at an NFL training camp.

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i see your point, but how many hits does a 3rd string punter take? how much time is a defensive or offensive unit on the field in a game? hockey is a two way sport, with faster hits, boards, and ice, not to mention pucks and sticks, plus more games, less players, waaaaaaaay more playing time per player.

i'm sure nfl players are big and strong and can hit and take hits, but i think NHL players take more hits, more often, give more hits, more often, hit the ice, player a faster and more demanding sport on the body, etc etc etc.....

i'm sure many nfl players would laugh at nhl players like you said. but play ironman football for 82 games with fewer substitutes and then see who is laughing.

but, this is comparing apples to oranges.

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yup, neither one could play the others' game well. Picture a lineman on skates :) Picture Alfredsson on the Offensive line :D

As "overall" athletes i give the nod to hockey players (endurance, toughness, sliding around with steel attacked to their boots on ice, etc. etc.) Nfl'ers are much more 'specialized' to their induhvidual position.

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AD, watch the O-line against the D-line on the VERY first play of the NFL season and get back to us. All they are doing is hitting each other! Non-stop, every down. NFL linemen end up being almost cripples later in life. Heck, watch the first kickoff. And getting to boards, any hockey player will tell you that an open ice hit crushes you far worse than something on the boards.

This aint no apples-oranges thing.

and more demanding sport on the body

Not a fucking chance.

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How many regular season games in the NHL last year did you watch that you'd consider "hard hitting"? I watched around 50-60 regular season games and maybe 20% were hard-hitting. Some games barely had ANY hits. Not every NHL team plays like Anaheim, Calgary or finish checks like the Sens or Habs on most nights, bless their violent souls.

You can't play NFL football with fewer subs because there'd be no league. The average career-span of NFL players is 3 years, mostly due to injury or just being plain worn-out from the constant hitting, including practice... and I know the NHL doesn't hit in practice.

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you guys aren't gonna convince me, just so you know.

maybe their career span is so short because they aren't so tough after all?

I'll watch the O-Lines and D-Lines sit on the bench for half the game and count the hits they take / make. And then I'll count all the players who don't make it into a game the entire NFL season. And then I'll watch for all the offensive players avoid hits, because that's their job. Then I'll watch the oh-so-tough punters really dish it out.

both sports are a grind, i think you gotta be tougher to play hockey.

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Actually, many times when finesse players get hit with any kind of aggression in the NHL it starts a melee because said player is unwilling or incapable of looking after themselves. I don't think even a wide-receiver would cower behind a lineman in a scrum. In fact, I know they don't.

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baseball is the toughest sport mentally.

physically, i wont get into the my sport vs. your sport with this one, because i know i dont have a chance with you fuckers, but i will say, 162 games is a lot of fucking work. it takes a different type of physical toll, definitely.

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How much did McGratton get hit or deliver them last year?

Walter Payton used to LOVE hitting as a running back. You cant say the same thing about Spezza.

You've gotta be tough to stand the physical grind of the NHL, I wont deny that but I see a helluva lot more "3rd string punters" in that game than I do in the NFL.

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I can't possibly understand how you think the d and o lineman don't take hits. That is one of the most physical jobs in all of pro sports.

My NASCAR fan buddy sent me this reply, so we all have our opinions:

Why NASCAR is better than hockey.

1. when some gets pushed into the wall in hockey it's two minutes in the box. when some gets pushed in the wall in nascar it's two minutes of fireballs, twisted metal, screeching rubber and 100's of thousands of dollars worth of damage to several cars.

2. hockey players get 10 minutes every 20 minutes to gather themselves, refuel and make any sort adjustments to team in an effort to win...NASCAR drivers get 12-14 seconds every 50 laps or so to change 4 tires, get 20 Gallons of Fuel, make adjustments to the car, clean the windshield and maybe have a quick drink.

3. shot speed and skating speed are limited to what force ONE man can push them to...NASCAR uses the force of 750 horses.

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