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Why the NHL beats all other Major Sports Leagues

Kanada Kev

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I can't possibly understand how you think the d and o lineman don't take hits. That is one of the most physical jobs in all of pro sports.

well that was a bad choice of words by me then, i don't know the right terminology. i meant it like there are positions where the whole point is to avoid being hit. they may not live 'on the line' but they exist in the sport.

and although we're talking about taking and giving hits, being 'tough' is more than that. it's about dealing with the grind. NHL players get one or 2 days off between their games, NFL games happen once a week for 20 weeks. An NHL players sees much more action in a game than an NFL player, and (I think) it's a more intense action.

Still not convincing me folks. And you won't. =)

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Tell your NASCAR buddy that he's out of his element.

Car racing involves stamina and mental ability, but those arguments he listed are more technical finesse related to the vehicle, not the athelete.

NASCAR = Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Pit Stop, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Crash, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Pit Stop, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Finish.

Bubba, grab me another Coors Light. And tell your little pinko brother that Dubya IS THE MAN!

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An NHL players sees much more action in a game than an NFL player

Watch the offensive line vs the defensive line the next time you have a game on the tele. There is no way an NHL player sees more action (I am assuming you are talking about physical action) than someone like a left guard. No way.

Still not convincing me folks. And you won't. =)

Stupid fucking Canadians and their sense of pride with hockey. That's all this conversation is.


Now, you might find this interesting AD, but look at the numbers for strength and power comparing football and "ice" hockey. Not that this is the be-all and end-all analysis.

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Watch the offensive line vs the defensive line the next time you have a game on the tele. There is no way an NHL player sees more action (I am assuming you are talking about physical action) than someone like a left guard. No way.

You mean where the game clock is running for 28 seconds, and everyone lines up beside each other, and then for about 2 seconds there's action for a quarter of the people on the field?

Still not convincing me folks. And you won't. =)
Stupid fucking Canadians and their sense of pride with hockey. That's all this conversation is.

No, it's not.

And thanks for the helpful graph about sports difficulty. [color:purple]That goes a long way in my book. I never said that NHL players had more strength or power than NFL players, I'm saying they're tougher. There's no way to quantify 'toughness,' unless you can find a pie-chart or something?

We're not going to agree...

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so now we're talking about tougher sports? or being a tough player?

i've seen skinny pieces of shit take abuse outside the bars in stratford that would made The Fridge cry. Toughness has nothing to do with how big you are! Sure it helps if you have a big layer of shock absorption around you, but really. Look at UFC guys. They're not as big as a linebacker but they're a fuckload tougher.

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Smartest Position in Sports - NFL QB

I think over all hockey players play a more punishing game. All 5 players (excluding goalies) hit and get hit. However I think the game requires more endurance than it does strength. Yes there are some spectacular hits but the average hit is just a easy run into the boards.

Over all in the NFL many players play 95% of the game without being hit. QB, WR, DB etc. However the line is a different beast. These are 250 to 305 pound monsters. Not only are they strong they are freakishly fast. The play may only last 5 to 10 seconds and there is rest between but the impacts are huge. They collide like that 30 to 50 times a game. There wear and tear on their bodies is huge.

A hockey can play a game and limit the amount of physical abuse he takes. A NFL lineman can't, their job is to hit the guy in front of him. It just so happens the guy in front of him is a 300 pound man who benches 350 pounds and runs a 40yd dash faster than some sprinters. It's not a Sedin twin in the way. It's a beautiful thing to watch.

As for toughness, there are tough people in every sport. Except for soccer... fucking whimps

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Tell your NASCAR buddy that he's out of his element.

Car racing involves stamina and mental ability, but those arguments he listed are more technical finesse related to the vehicle, not the athelete.

i certainly am out of my element. i didn't realize this was an actual debate that would be analyzed and pawed over. ;)

hey everybody. hope yer summers are comin' along swimmingly. We're cookin' out here in the east today. 34. good times.

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What a silly argument. Everyone is right and wrong at the same time. It's a question of flavor... it's subjective.

I like the NFL, cause it's insane. The faster two objects collide, the greater the force... so having all-Americans who are jacked on legal drugs for sure, and ones that aren't as legal going head to head. It's also great as a spectator to see 'little guys' taking on big guys and vice-versa.

Hockey, same thing, but what you take out in terms of force and specialization in contrast to football, you add a great x-factor... knives strapped to the soles of your feet, and a close to zero friction environment. Just to learn how to play the game you have to be tough, where with the other sports, you just have to be bored enough! You also have the big guy/small guy dynamic.

All sports are plagued to a critical degree with horrible officiating, poor sportsmanship, hyperegomanics, and other internal controversies, But each season is a war in their own rights. And usually the team with the best combination of intangibles do come out on top.

They are all tough sports... to be sucessful within, and with the dollars on the line in comparison to say an average Joe's salary, there's plenty of games within games for all sports.

I liked the ESPN stats... sure it's subjective, but it's useful, and no doubt there's a certain toughness edge between Football and Curling... but when it get's to team dynamics filled with players who could excel at individual time trial events... you're going to have a goodtime and a loyal legion of fans... Just enjoy the games, and leave it all on the field!

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