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Lohan Update

Northern Wish

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You know what I don't get? Why all these stars with buckets of cash..(Loahn, Hilton, even..Trey and John Popper)

Why they all get loaded and drive ther own cars?!!! They have money! Take a cab, a limo, even a fucking helicopter..but why on earth would you drive yourself and make yourself a target??!!

If you were broke and had no other means to get home, as bad a decision to drive intoxicated is, maybe it makes some kind of sense....but these people are retarded.

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They don't like to spend money on people anymore.

Why, then, does (did) she have an assistant? And why was she so angry (to the point of reportedly stealing a car and chasing after her at high speed) at the assistant's quitting? (You'd think she would have either added "driving" to the assistant's assigned duties, or hired a driver, after her recent problems behind the wheel.)



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