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Davey Boy 2.0

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Referees will review match footage and, if they feel they have missed a player diving or feigning injury, they will punish them retrospectively.

Are they going to set the diving incidents against some sappy music and release the video in order to shame the player?

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Yup, this is a great attempt. Truthfully it is going to be VERY subjective but there are ones that are undeniable so go get'em. Sadly though, arent the Scots much more typically 'honest' players? How bad is their League?

Ah. Whatever. Good shit and I applaud. Rollers YouTube vid is one of the worst dives I have ever seen in my life. What was that idiot thinking??????

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Guest Low Roller

Diving RUINS the game for me. I actually had a diver on my team once, and although he was arguably the best player on our team we basically got rid of him. His constant theatrics were just too much to bare.

The Italians and Portugese (Cristiano especially) are terrible at it. Unwatchable.

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Im with FIFA. You cant go back after the game and add things in. Its 90 minutes and when its done if it isnt on the gamesheet it didnt happen. If this happens, you might as well remove the ref from the game and make the calls right from the video room over the PA. Video Replay already destroyed hockey.

Soccer has been played as an organized game for around 150 years and the referee's decision has stood that long and should be able to withstand this. I dont like the headsets they already have on the referee and LINESMEN either...yeah I said it LINESMEN. The field isnt that big and if the referee is on the correct diagonal he should always be able to see the linesman anyways. If he can't follow procedures outlined for referees he shouldnt be out there anyways.

And about the diving bit. 85% of the complainers about the diving have never stepped on the field in a competitive game let alone played. TV camera angles don't always show whats happening as it is true. Players are big and strong these days and when you are full out chasing the ball it only takes a nudge to send you off balance and down.

Im a hardnosed but honest player and not exactly a small guy either, I send guys down all the time in my league from silly little challenges; but Im 6 inches taller and outwiegh the guy by 20 lbs. Some referees by the dive and some don't. Its all about their position to see the play.

Im not saying I agree with the diving but its the way the game goes sometimes. Some teams do take it way over the top. A good team would re-adjust their formation to stop putting themselves in a position to foul the player in one on ones and play more of a trapping defense. When 3 men close down one with the ball, there is no room to dive. Thats what football is about.

Sadly though, arent the Scots much more typically 'honest' players? How bad is their League?

Yeah we are much more honest than most countries, rough and tough but honest. The SPL isnt really all that but but it has had a foreign invasion also and that brings other elements into the game. The Scottish game is very fast paced and that allows for players to get away with the dive becuase the referee is way out of the play.

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Yeah its called playing the game while its happening. You cant change the other team or the referee. You can change how your team is playing. Video replays have no place in the game and especially after it and its certainly not going to stop diving.

All the people for it will be the first ones complaining when they recieve cautions from the week previous and the best player in their side is out of a crucial game.

edit:They should slow down with the yellow cards too. The number of bullshit cautions these days is past silly now. The game is being ruined for the stuck-in hard tackling players.

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They should slow down with the yellow cards too. The number of bullshit cautions these days is past silly now.

Blame the fucking divers.

And look no further than the NFL for how successful video replay is in that game, not too mention the fact that NHL teams can send video replays to the NHL's head office when something is missed by the refs. I fucking love it and you dont see some of the cheap shit we used to see.

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