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Daniel Lanois: Toronto Sep 10 & 11

Kanada Kev

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This is also a great album by Brian Blade:


If I'm not mistaken, I believe that Lanois produced it as well.

Brian Blade is the Tony Williams of the current jazz generation. Not that he necessarily sounds like him, but he's got that *something*, y'know? I saw him in the lineup for the album Brad posted above, and he was totally smokin'. Great player!

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I don't think there will be a showing or preview of the film at these shows, the press release I have just says "The concerts coincide with the premiere of Lanois’ debut film, “Here Is What Isâ€, at the Toronto International Film Festival that same week."

Here's part of the release..

Toronto: 102.1 the Edge is proud to present Daniel Lanois with Brian Blade, September 10th and 11th at the Great Hall located on Queen Street West in Toronto, Ontario. The concerts coincide with the premiere of Lanois’ debut film, “Here Is What Isâ€, at the Toronto International Film Festival that same week.

The concerts will feature songs from Daniel's film and his up and coming solo album. Lanois will be joined on stage by drummer Brian Blade. Other musical guests will be announced in the coming days. Tickets will be available at all Ticketmaster outlets or by calling (416) 870-8000 or online at www.ticketmaster.ca beginning Tuesday August 28th at 10AM. Tickets will also be available at the door on show day only (subject to availability).

Here's the thread I posted about the film:



I misread your post Kev0, yeah, these shows are in support of the new film I imagine.

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I don't have a credit card, so its all up to my friend from Toronto gettin the tickets for me...as long as she remembered to do so I'm in for one night, although I can't get a hold of her today to find out.

Either way, I've seen Daniel a few times, so my primary concern is gettin tickets for his film.

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Damn ... TicketBastard sends out a notice AFTER the tix went on sale to get a $3 discount on tix. WTF is a $3 discount anyway??????

Daniel Lanois - Save $3 Now


Toronto: 102.1 the Edge is proud to present Daniel Lanois with Brian Blade, September 10th and 11th at the Great Hall located on Queen Street West in Toronto, Ontario. The concerts coincide with the premiere of Lanois' debut film, "Here Is What Is", at the Toronto International Film Festival that same week.

The concerts will feature songs from Daniel's film and his up and coming solo album. Lanois will be joined on stage by drummer Brian Blade. Other musical guests will be announced in the coming days.

Through this exclusive offer save $3 off select seats. Enter the password HIWI in the Promotions and Special Offers box to purchase today and save!

Offer valid for a limited time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
great times last night. Garth Hudson opened the show with a 10 minute solo and then jammed with Dan and Brian for the encore.

Ahh man, I was hoping no one would spoil the surprises for tonight's attendees!!! Or worse, get peoples' hopes up and then not have Garth there the 2nd night. Ah well, too late.

So, yeah, the one and only Garth Hudson came out first and did an intro ditty on a baby grand piano that was situated right on the floor in front of the stage. People gathered all around him. Lanois asked him to play something that encompasses his entire career from the beginning. He did about a 5 minute upbeat instrumental medly.. No recognizable Band tunes. I was PSYCHED to see Garth. The 1st time I've ever seen any Band members live I believe.

Brian Blade is the by far the most amazing drummer I've ever seen live, and can ever hope to see. Absolutely amazing!!

Serena (Ryder???) came out and sang on at least 5 tunes. I'm not sure if it was Serena Ryder. He kept referring to her as "Serena from Welland"; and I thought Ryder's from Peterborough. Also a female vocalist from St. John's whose name I can't recall. And Lanois' sister was on the bass for a few tracks.

The biggest upset of the night: Lanois' pedal steel was out of tune. He started into one tune off Belladonna and cut it very short, explaining that his instrument was out of tune. Tuned it for a bit.. Tried another tune and then altogether GAVE UP on the pedal steel. For those going tonight, I bet you can expect a LOT of pedal steel, lucky bastards. ;(

I get the feeling that the steel was supposed to be a big part of the show, so he reverted back to older stuff from his catalogue. Which may have pleased some but not me in particular! I'm not that familiar with his catalogue but recognized a fair bit of it. He played a good version of The Maker.

Garth came back on for the encore, 2 songs.. At one point I thought Lanois was trying to push Garth into playing Chest Fever. (maybe just me) After the 2nd encore, I saw Garth taking off his jacket and pulling out a music book, something he wanted to play. He was trying to get Lanois' attention and flashing the book at him but unfortunately Lanois didn't see and said goodnight. By the time he caught on to what Garth was trying to communicate, Lanois made a gesture basically saying "too late, its over". Dang.

Anyways, it was a great show and well worth going! Even though they blew out on the pedal steel action, having Garth as a surprise guest and seeing Brian Blade play easily made up for any shortcomings.

The venue was polished and very nice! Sound was great. I don't think it was sold out. The set was maybe just over an hour long. Lanois kicks ass on guitar, he certainly knows how to get whatever kind of sound he wants out of that thing. He was playing a cool looking really old Gibson (wish I could tell you more than that!).

After the show I rode my bike by the Drake. I was thinking of popping in there as Peter Elkas was playing and its kind of a hot spot this week for the TIFF. It was looking way too hoity toity for me though so I instead pedalled up to the Orbit and caught set II of the Sisters.. Which of course kicked ass!! Most of the set was songs that I didn't recognize. Breit was hitting the wah pedal with creativity and loudness! Southern Man encore. It was nice that the Orbit wasn't super packed for a change.

That's about it for last night!

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Nice time -- I also managed to catch Daniel Lanois' soundcheck last night which was pretty awesome & intimate. Less than 20 people in the room during it... seeing him on stage in the empty beautiful venue of The Great Hall is a memory I'll hold onto.

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Arguably, one of the greatest days of my life.

Today started, oh so, very wrong. I woke up to the blissfulness that is cleaning up dog urine freshly sprayed upon the kitchen floor. Followed by a burnt toast fire alarm->smashed picture frame due to an effort of trying to wave a towel in front of the alarm, right into the dog's food as he was eating, making me a half hour late for work.


This could only get better right?


Fast forward to tonight....door man was a buddy from way back, hooked us up with VIP after show.


tonights performance was the lanois I was expecting to see, the lanois I adore, the lanois that changed my appreciation for music forever.

He was on tonight my friends.

LAst night I was lamenting the lack of a backing abnd but tonight he shone through and it couldn't have been any better. He and Brian were loose, but flowing...last night seemed hurried, forced in some way, but tonight it was no pressure, just chillin'. 60% of the material was repeated, but tonights versions had meaning, and above all soul - which is what daniel exudes at even his most humble moments.

Highlights include dan playing both our requests for Rocky World and Still Water... we got a few of he new tracks from his up coming album which are solid all the way through, "Here is, What is" which is the title to his movie and was accompanied beautifully by Serena. The Messenger was pitch perfect as was The Collection of Marie Claire (brian and dan were tight tight on this one!) A little Fire from Shine and the MAker to cap off the two hour set was epic, especially ass Dan kept refraining the end urging Brian Blade to keep it coming. The girls had the pitch tonight that they didn't have last night and what a difference!

The Encore was a 25+ minute version of what I can only assume is a new song, possibly called 2 of a Kind featuring Garth Hudson ROCKING the synths....bad ASS!

So then the after party.

I got to talk with Brian Blade about what it was like playing in his fathers church, to working with Dan, to playing jazz. What a kind soul he is and utterly oblivious that he's one of the greatest drummers in the world right now. I said my thanks to GArth Hudson and told him what an honour it was to have heard him tickle the ivories with such genius.

And Dan.

Shaking that man's hand and extolling my appreciation for all that his body of work and performances have meant to me makes me the happiest person alive right now. The most humble and enigmatic person I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing.


I won't ever forget tonight.

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Wow, thats freakin awesome Brian!

Family obliogations, which I won't get into prevented me from making to the show and yesterday afternoons showing of the film. I've purposely avoided this thread since the weekend too, after receiving my tickets (free ones...argh). Probally one of the hardest things I've ever done was give back those tickets.

Now after reading everything here, especially your post Brian, makes me wish I had avoided it this morning as well. ;)

Seriously, it sounds like both nights were absolutely amazing. I'm jealous.

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