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Opperation: Hux is a Conservative


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Conservative in the respect of political/social issues or economically. I'm not trying to start an 'internet fight' BUT (ha ha) recently I have been thinking of myself as much more of a conservative. I think if there is less govt. and people have more of their money back we would see a lot more positive change (v. what the govt. can do). I have very little faith in the govts ability to effectively do just about anything. An informed consumer can/is the most powerful means of bringing about real change.

*SORRY Again I'm not trying to start anything but this really has been on my mind and with our big election coming up It is 'hugely' important issue.

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I think if there is less govt. and people have more of their money back we would see a lot more positive change (v. what the govt. can do). I have very little faith in the govts ability to effectively do just about anything. An informed consumer can/is the most powerful means of bringing about real change.


I couldn't agree more. I'm not an anarchist by any means, but I do believe in the power to do good to a varying degree. There's like this inherent quality in humankind that breads us to be skeptical of our own selves and wary of our neighbours. And as I like to sit back and develop whacked out theories as to where/when this type of behaviour started, I'm convinced that it's something that can be overcome, that it's created by circumstance and that it can be proved wrong.

I think the conservative-liberal, left to right lineage of political allegiance is something of the past, and that in order to develop and really be progressive we need to think in terms of what we can do as individuals and how we can make that apply to the collective good.

But it's not as easy as overnight change and things need to be scaled back, money needs to be banked and saved and long range plans need to be drafted up. Tomorrow it may hurt, but the future, i think and hope, would be brighter.

I'm not anti-government though. I think government should be suited to govern a system of checks and balances with a low profile playing card. It should serve a purpose, not be the purpose.

So if Hux jumped ship, i understand. But it's stlil damn funny and i can't wait to hear for sure.

:) - Where've you been anyway?

I took a much needed vacation from the computer! :)

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I cannot speak for Canadian liberals but as far as the ones that are in America who are (or want to be) in 'power' seem to believe that govt. spending can cure just about everything (including the common cold). I just think that is... well a waste of our money.

Birdy- I'll fall in behind in you in that there does need to be a role of the govt. (see the Civil Rights Movement). As far as the issue of where 'humankind' is at this time I think it has a lot to do with the growth and development of Western Civilization. It seems as we have moved away from the dependance of the community for survival we have gotten way to caught up into 'ourselves'. When we are helping others, they are helping us and we are working together to promote the common good, we experience a much more positive and caring existance. Just a thought.

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I think the growth of western civilization is just starting to bring us full circle back to the realization that the only ones who we can depend on and trust are ourselves. People seem more skeptical than ever of their government and it's tactics and I really can't imagine how this tide of thinking can be reversed.

For me, we just need time.

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;) - Ah good - you're handy with martial arts, I hope? Or at least a big club and handgun, in case the assailant proves especially stroppy? I can't imagine any cops I've ever met turning a blind eye to somebody actually being beaten up (although this does happen, I'm well aware, I wouldn't say it's normative, unless you're prepared to suggest that humanity is basically corrupt and hopeless).*

By which I mean - I'm not talking about the courts, which is one issue, but cops, which are another social resource our taxes support (which are, yes, tied to the courts, but isn't it all interconnected?).

(* I must be in a good mood today or something.)

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and here i thought we were talking about the victim! :)

in fairness to myself, i don't really understand where this is coming from. I made a specific point to acknowledge that government does need to play a role within society and policing would be one of those roles. Just how much power the police are given i think should be examined and scaled back to a degree. With the way things are rolling nowadays i can't help but fear North American police forces will become today's equivalent of the Gestapo.

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