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Martin Sexton..?


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I know nothing of Martin Sexton...I suppose I could do some research, but that won't include unbiased, relatively respected opinions. :)

So...anyone know anything about Martin Sexton? Opinions?

Ryan Montbleau (whom I TOTALLY dig) is opening for Martin Sexton in Toronto September 19th. I love Ryan, just wondering if it's worth the $22+++.

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I'm streaming some from archive now...sounds pretty good so far!

Never seen him. Never heard him.

He's been on my list to see, though, because he comes highly recommended by friends whose musical taste I trust. I've heard he is a wailing guitarist, and really fun to see.

Interested in leaving the house on a weeknight?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, it's killing me but I'm skipping Arlo, anwyay, and the last time I saw him in Vancouver I promised myself I'd never miss him again. (I guess that was my sixth time seeing him or so, but it had been a few years.) I love Arlo live more than almost anyone, but Ween is the night before, and being a new parent I have to be selective, and I already had the Ween tickets before I figured it all out. (Besides, Ween has truly held my heart for the last 16 years or so, anyway, so there was no easy way out for me here.)

Dalai Lama tix, I think were about 50 bucks. Something like that. I'd have to check at home.

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