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First look at new Bin Laden Tape


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basically the same thing he's been saying for 6 years

least they're allowing us to hear some of the things in his videos as opposed to the 4 years they wouldn't allow footage from his videos to be shown on tv so he couldn't "activate shadow terror cells" when these cells saw him on CNN (not like most terrorists would know how to use a throw away cellphone or anything... truth of the matter is he's 10,000 more eloquent a speaker than any republican currently in washington, especially the big cheese)

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:D - that's hilarious. I've been talking to my English classes all week about how Churchill once got called down for daring to end a sentence with a preposition (thereby demonstrating his inability to lead his nation; "Madam," as his response went, "that is a bit of nonsense up with which I shall not put").

I find myself having lost all patience with any of these releases. As far as I can figure, they're all in cahoots, which, if the Bin Laden-Bush family thing gets traces, is probably the simple truth. Too many people with too many fingers in too many pies.

Mmmm... pie....

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I thought the text of his speech was kind of cute, really - how the American people, who are increasingly against the war, mean so little to the military-industrial complex, so much so that when they elect a Democrat congress, nothing happens. That much I could agree with (though it doesn't do anything whatsoever to help those on the Left who make the same arguments, and who can now be painted with the "Al-Qaeda-lover/symp" brush.

It's when he gets into the JFK-conspiracy mud, and insists that the only solution is for Americans to convert to (Wahhabi) Islam that he shows his hand (i.e. is totally cracked).

It would be cool, though, if Americans all became whirling-dervish Sufis, come to think of it. The whole country would be like the spinner section of a Dead show.

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