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The Mitchell Report


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"Radomski recalled receiving a call from Piatt during which he said he needed extra testosterone because "one of the guys wanted some." In a later conversation, Piatt told Radomski that the testosterone was for his teammate, Miguel Tejada. Radomski never spoke, or sold performance enhancing substances, directly to Tejada."

But we'll include his name in a list and have the public deem him guilty anyway. Seems fair.

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i guess, if any of these allegations are truly false, there are billions of dollars in defamation suits just waiting to be collected... if players really want to prove themselves clean, they do have an avenue to refute the claims.

its not likely, though, considering that none of the players or anyone from the union was willing to talk with mitchell... an actual lawsuit would likely force more evidence forward, and if the players and union really had nothing to hide, well, they probably wouldnt have hid.

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Hey I agree with ollie.. this rarely happens in rich stadium.. hah.

its on par with corked bats and spit balls to me. but thats cause i just dont give a shit about baseball.

im sure shitloads do it in hockey, football, basketball and pretty much any pro sport out there. they just havent caught the guy selling them yet and made him turn evidence.

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This whole thing is brutal but not surprising. I mean when dudes look like football players and are all of a sudden cranking 70+ homers in a season 'cmon.

I think that any record or title these juice monkey's received after they were proved to be juicing should be wiped from the record or revoked.

This has seriously killer the legacy of baseball.

These clowns couldn't hold Ted Williams, Sandy Kofax, or Mickey Mantel's jock strap.

Losers! }:(

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One by one they are coming clean...

Will any of the bog dogs though?

BALTIMORE - Breaking his silence on the inclusion of his name in the Mitchell Report, Baltimore Orioles second baseman Brian Roberts admitted that he used steroids once in 2003.

In an interview in Tuesday's editions of The (Baltimore) Sun, Roberts acknowledged that he used steroids "once" in 2003. However, he said he hadn't used steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs since.

In a statement he issued to the Sun, Roberts said that after the single injection he immediately realized that it was not what he "stood for" or anything he wanted to continue doing. He said he's sorry he did it and said he regrets making what he says was a "terrible decision."

Roberts was named in the Mitchell Report because former Orioles teammate Larry Bigbie told investigators Roberts had told him he used steroids "once or twice" in 2003.

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