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Bobbly Clarke loves what Downie did !!!!!

Kanada Kev

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It was a sucker punch but Blake brought it on. I don't agree with anything Downie has done but he has served his punishments and if Blake is constantly going to go public in the media then he should man up and confront Downie on the ice. This may not be the politically correct view but it is right ;) lol

What? Well it sure looks like you're agreeing with what Downie did here. So' date=' Blake brought in on? Words, man ... words!!! Most humans understand the great wisdom of "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." If NHLers responded with sucker punches and violence to what all their opponents say about them on, and off, the ice the game (since that's OK by you) they'd be running out of players at this point.

Please, justify it again for me ... you say something nasty to/about me, then I come over to your work while a couple of people hold you down and I punch the shit out of you. It all OK since you "brought it on"? As everyone around stands looking at me disgusted, I then look back and SMILE at them just like Downie. Maybe I get a fine, but then you're OK with me since I will have served my punishments and then I can go out 4 days later and do it again.

Yup, now I know why Booche wants to pull his hair out reading some of your posts!


[color:purple]Yes and like everything you, Booche or anyone else on this board says it is always completly logical and right.

We all have our own opinions and most of us are intelligent enough to stand by them. We don't have to always agree and it's better that we don't. It's more fun that way.

I hate to break this to you but NHLer's have been settling disputes on the ice for decades. It's a game and there is a certain code attributed to it. It's not real life and is not like my or I assume your job.

If I was in the NHL and some ass was running his mouth about me in the media you are damn right I would find him on the ice and take care of it. Call it right or wrong but it's what I would do.

You can't always relate situations that happen in sports to real life. If that was the case fighting would be considered assault, slashing would be using an illegal weapon etc.

When you and/or Booche (sorry Booche but I didn't bring you into this )become the all knowing and all seeing I will quit expressing my opinion. Remember that's all they are 'opinions' no more right or wrong than yours.


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Speaking of getting confused by avatars but Bradley, my avatar is NOT me in case you are wondering. And for the rest who are keeping score it aint my wife either.

Is it Ollie? I need to know cuz if Im gonna be up there for Nero, I need to know what he looks like so I can slip him a roofie buy him a drink.

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Speaking of getting confused by avatars but Bradley' date=' my avatar is NOT me in case you are wondering. And for the rest who are keeping score it aint my wife either.[/quote']

Is it Ollie? I need to know cuz if Im gonna be up there for Nero, I need to know what he looks like so I can slip him a roofie buy him a drink.

You're coming up to O-town? Awesome. Introduce yourself indeed. I look like my avatar + 18 years.

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