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Moe. New album sticks and stones Released today!!!! awsome, reviews inside


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Very happy today after listning to the new moe. album.. reviews are pritty good aswell

Track Listings

1. Cathedral

2. Sticks and Stones

3. Darkness

4. Conviction Song

5. 202

6. Deep This Time

7. All Roads Lead to Home

8. September

9. Queen of Everything

10. Raise a Glass



Sticks And Stones

RS: 3.5of 5 Stars Average User Rating: 4.5of 5 Stars


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The five guys in Moe usually make albums this way: Write tunes, literally jam them into shape on tour, then cut 'em. This time, the upstate New York band flipped the script, recording songs as they were composed in the studio. The result is a concise, punchy good time, emphasizing the songcraft inside Moe's improvising mettle and the double-guitar pow of Al Schnier and Chuck Garvey, even when they're not soloing. The second half of the album's title certainly applies to Schnier and Garvey's early-Seventies Mick Taylor-and-Keith Richards crossfire of high-treble slash and lightly distorted skids in the title song and the thumper "Queen of Everything." In "Darkness," the guitarists sound like a pair of Neil Youngs, trading crunchy flourishes behind bassist Rob Derhak's vocal. "Conviction Song" and "September" highlight Moe's autumnal-ballad gifts, particularly the deep-sigh grace of the band's harmonies. But if this was 1973, the FM pick-to-click here would be the Badfinger-like guitar chop and dirty-Eagles chorale of "All Roads Lead to Home" — which, for these songs, is now the stage.


(Posted: Jan 9, 2008)

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I just went for a walk at lunch and listened to the first half as well c-towns. Like you, i'm not sold yet. This isn't Conch by any means. It really does sound kinda "basic". I don't know if that is the best way to describe it.

I'll have to listen to it a couple of more times, and see some of it live at the Town Ballroom :)

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