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Office Space is the best movie EVER


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I mentioned "TPS report" to a co-worker yesterday and she had no idea what I was talking about--she's never seen Office Space. And I still call her a friend. Weird.

Anyway, she actually tried to figure out what TPS stood for...I laughed and laughed...

"TPS? Total Product Synergy? Trans-..? What?"

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Funny to see this thread here today. I'm working my first office job ever right now, and the similarities have been hilarious/scary/depressing all at once. To name a few:

1. On one of my first couple of days, I was told "Yeah, ummm, Friday is brown bag lunch day, so if you want to I guess you can bring your lunch and we'll eat them in the conference room." Definitely reminded me of Hawaiian shirt day.

2. On the first pay day, do to a glitch in accounting, I did not receive my pay. ("Mr. Lumberg, I did not receive my pay this week.")

3. Red. Swingline. Staplers.

I snapped the second of these two pictures as a study in comparison:



Yours Truly:


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Idiocracy was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. But that is just my opinion.

I always use the "the ratio of people to cake is too big" line but nobody at my office gets it. probably better that way, they'd know what I think of them then.

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Generally, movies that go straight-to-video or just seem to go that route are not worth watching for a reason. I'll bet Idiocracy falls under the latter. I haven't heard too many good things about it. However, Office Space had a very limited theatrical run as did The Shawshank Redemption - I was lucky to see both during their initial theatrical runs. Donnie Darko basically went straight-to-video, but it's one of my favourite cult films ever.

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Generally, movies that go straight-to-video or just seem to go that route are not worth watching for a reason. I'll bet Idiocracy falls under the latter. I haven't heard too many good things about it. However, Office Space had a very limited theatrical run as did The Shawshank Redemption - I was lucky to see both during their initial theatrical runs. Donnie Darko basically went straight-to-video, but it's one of my favourite cult films ever.

Not in this case. There are numerous blog postings and discussions on the net concerning a conspiracy and planned death to idiocracy due to it's message.

here's one

If you watch it, you'll see that it trashes everything about corporate america which could easily piss off the head of Fox and his buddies of large corps.

Other theories include that it was a reverse viral marketing plan. Bury it and cause uproar on the net which creates a buzz and an instant classic DVD.

more on that

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Idiocracy was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

I'll second that.

many people did not like office space on first viewing. Idiocracy is fucking brilliant. Rewatch it. If you felt like a 6 year old, that was the point I believe. The theory is not far off and there is so much humour in every shot. The little details in the signage, etc.

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