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Kinks Reunion possibility?


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The article seems to indicate that a reunion is unlikely, but I guess the reporter had nothing else to write.

Ray Davies has hopes for Kinks reunion

Posted: 10:46 AM ET

A Kinks reunion? Ray Davies says it could still happen.

The original Kinks get together in 2005 at the UK Music Hall of Fame ceremony.

“I know that three-quarters of the band are really up for it and can do it and are available,

the head Kink told CNN.com in a phone interview from Tasmania over the weekend, reiterating comments he’s made elsewhere. “The one-quarter, a very vital quarter, my brother, is having thoughts about it, because he’s recovering from a very bad illness. [Dave Davies suffered a stroke in 2004; he’s greatly recovered and put out an album in 2007.] His right hand isn’t fully on yet but I think it’s getting a lot better.â€

Dave Davies has said he isn’t so sure. “I wouldn’t mind or rather consider doing some shows with Ray purely in respect for the Great body of work we have both been fortunate to have been involved in over the years. And for the fans of course,†he wrote in a post on his Web site in November. “But to sit in a room or studio with him and have my brain and heart slowly sucked out … no friggin thank you.â€

The original Kinks — Ray Davies, Dave Davies, Pete Quaife and Mick Avory — haven’t played together regularly since early 1969, when Quaife left the band a few months after the release of “The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society.†(There have been a couple appearances since, such as at U.S. and UK hall of fame induction ceremonies.)

The Kinks are also one of a handful of major rock groups who haven’t had their history collected in a box set, but Ray Davies says that may change soon.

“When this tour is over … I’m going to have some meetings with people and set the dogs on all these people and try to bring them to light,†he said with a laugh. †‘Cause I think a box set would be great. [it] would really show the evolution of the band, along with a very good DVD with it, to show how this band evolved. …

“There’s a lot of love in the Kinks, in the best sense,†Davies continued. “It’s like one of those old Westerns, where the guys ride off into the sunset and it’s not really there and there’s a shootout at the ridge and one guy gets hit and he says ‘Leave me here, you go on over for your own good and send the cavalry back,’ it’s a bit like that, the Kinks. And I think it would be nice to have the whole story there.â€

Ray Davies’ new solo album, “Working Man’s Cafe,†came out last month.


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I hope Dave comes back to his old form. He has a tough road to climb, but it sounds like he's getting better. I know it's an often used and abused statement (and often false), but Dave Davies is one of the most underrated musicians in rock history and The Kinks were and are always underrated.

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I know it's an often used and abused statement (and often false), but Dave Davies is one of the most underrated musicians in rock history and The Kinks were and are always underrated.

but it's not at all abused in this context. They were such an influential band. You can hear their influence in so many different bands, including much punk. We were listening to their singles collection in the car last summer and my wife kept asking what years certain songs came out, as they sounded so much like later bands/songs.

Dave wrote some of the most classic guitar riffs. And Ray is one of the best songwriters of all time.

BTW, Ray Davies will be performing at The Danforth Music Hall in Toronto on April 3rd. It's not sold-out as of yesterday. I think I'll be going.

You should definitely go - you won't be disappointed. I was planning to go, but it conflicts with my daughter going to see Avril Lavigne here in Ottawa. The sacrifices we make for our kids, eh?

If you haven't heard any of his recent shows, try to grab one. I got some stuff of dimeadozen.

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I will be at the Danforth show. I am super excited about this one, I have been a big Kinks fan since my youth as my older brother used to play their stuff around the house when he lived with us.

Solo acoustic would be amazing, and his new album is great!

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I believe the Daforth show is a solo acoustic affair, although Ray may be joined with some acoustic guitar accompaniment.

I'm pretty sure that it's a full band show - same as the rest of the tour. I can no longer access the Ray Davies forum from work, but hadn't seen anything posted there recently.

Though the tour dates so far are confined to just a few lovely old theaters, this is no tepid, classic-rock-guy acoustic run-through. Davies will have a full band behind him.


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Ya, I've been a Kinks fan for over 30 years. I really have to go to this show.

My sister bought me my first real album that wasnt from KTel. It was The Kinks, One From the Road. Double Live Vinyl. I played that bad boy over and over and over again. I still have it.

I wish I could fly like Superman

Got to see them at Kingswood way back in 86 or 87 maybe.

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