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bluesfest, lawnchairs and facebook - turned into bluesfest and babies


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This has probably already been posted but here's the no lawn chairs facebook group.


I'm even more worried about the chairs now that I have a little one. I just can't stop thinking about what would happen if there's an emergency during a headliner and the crowd has to leave fast. This happened at a Metallica concert I went to a long time ago and without chairs a bunch of people were trampled. Think of the mess that would be around all the lawn chairs, how many kids would be trampled cause they just can't get past them, etc, etc, etc... If you bring a lawn chair, just at least keep that in mind, you could very well be the cause of a lot of pain for no other reason than that you're too lazy/stuck up to sit on the perfectly good grass.

Sorry, I'm not going to rant more this year but had to get that out.

PS: Reader's Digest did a survey of the rudest cities in Canada. Ottawa of course scored last place, rudest city. The tests involved going to a busy intersection and dropping papers to see if anyone would help pick them up, or walking behind people into buildings to see if anyone would hold the door and finally to buy a bunch of little things to see if they could get a thanks.

hmmmmmmm, ottawa, only place I've seen lawn chairs at festival, ottawa, rudest city...

PSS: I agree that in all the places I've lived, I have observed the least amount of common courtesy and love for neighbor here than anywhere else.

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Actually, we'll have a blanket so he can be on the ground but we also have a harness front pack type thing to carry him around in that we'll be swapping.


When it comes to the headliners we'll mostly be staying near the back although we'll probably try to get a babysitter for the panic/primus night.

Also going to grab a set of these:


To protect his little ears. There's ear plugs that you can get as well but if they fall out they can be a choking hazard and also leave the ear unprotected.

We also live very close by so if we need to take off, we can which is one great benefit (literally it's probably about an 8 or so minute walk from the front door to the entrance). On those lines, as mentioned we have a house just a couple blocks from bluesfest chalk full of baby stuff if anything is needed (diapers, changing space, maybe all go there and hang out while the little one's take a nap, etc). PM me with your info once it gets closer to the shows (same with others that have babies). Now, we don't want to have to miss all the shows due to catering but if there are a couple people with little dudes/dudettes and we all want to take a little break...

The big thing with the lawn chairs is that in the giant headlining crowds they are an annoyance as well as a safety hazard but way out at the back of the crowd where it's not as busy and there's room to navigate it's not such a problem. The problem is that people can't grasp that concept and insist on putting them up everywhere.

On those lines, we will probably bring the stroller in for the daytime shows. It's a smaller one that folds up and has a strap to put over your shoulder which we'll probably leave with buddies near the taping section if there's not enough room. Kind of makes me into a hipocrite but as mentioned, the only reason I'm down with banning the lawn chairs is that they get abused. If people exercised a little bit of common sense and courtesy, it wouldn't really be that much of a problem (and I would finally shut up about it :) )

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Well we are going to be there on the Sunday for Panic with our 2 twin boys under 2. Our plan is to hopefully keep them busy enough during the day so that by the time the show rolls around they will sleep in the stroller. We have a twin Jogging stroller. We plan on being well back where we shouldn't be a nuisance.

We talked today and realize that our concert days will forever be changed. We can no longer go and be like we were but on the flipside we're not giving it up either. We fully realize that if things are too much we will go back to the Hotel. Being a Mom and Dad takes priority over being a Spreadhead.

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I'm sure if all of us parents get together at bluesfest we can help each other out.

Thanks for the link to the ear protectors mattm. We just ordered a set of them. Great idea. We also ordered the swimming plugs with the head band.

Does bluesfest have a children's area anywhere to just hang and play?

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Our kids are festival and concert veterans at the ages of 5 and 9. This will be Zoe's 5th panic show and Jerry's 2nd. They'll be accompanying us to Bluesfest every night this year as there are acts that both the both the wife and I want to see - and the kids will definitely want to be joining us. The logistics are a bit more difficult with the festival being held at Lebreton this year (we didnt go last year as I was out of town, and the mrs wasn't that into it), as we used to be able to walk to the festival when it was at city hall. I think that we'll use our bikes, putting Jerry into the trailer and Zoe can use the trailer bike with me. We'll be there with our camping chairs (do those fall under the lawnchair category? - I hope not ;) ) blanket etc., on the back of the lawn.

Having kids need not stop you from going to shows. You just need to plan more and be more selective of the venues (i.e. outdoor ones). And you'll be spending more time at the back of the lawn. LAst year at Bethel Woods (for Panic) I purchased seats as they were the same price as the lawn. I went down there with Zoe but she found it too loud (they were something like 15th row). You just gotta roll with it.

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lol, I'm wondering that too. I think little Trey will keep his headset thing on but not sure...

Also, yeah, that's the plan, just stay around the back of the crowd. No need to be up front and it's the music and the whole atmosphere that the kids can benefit from.

I think the next festival will be moe.down for us with little Trey but not sure, we'll see as I just graduated (finally) and can start making some money.

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With NRR 22 protection in a low-profile muff, the Junior Muff is just right for concerts, races, shooting and other general noise protection

Any of your kids do any shooting? I know Jackson, at only 7 months old, is quite the expert on the rifle range. lol, Americans are funny.

Nothing like a nice low profile muff. :grin:

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I think that it is totally irresponsible to start teaching your kids how to sheet before they are at least one year old. What were you thinking?

What do you mean teach him not to sheet? He had a big sheet this morning, real stinky too. Daddy was not impressed.

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I think that it is totally irresponsible to start teaching your kids how to sheet before they are at least one year old. What were you thinking?

What do you mean teach him not to sheet? He had a big sheet this morning' date=' real stinky too. Daddy was not impressed.


oops - that of course should have been SHOOT. never teach your kids to shoot before they are at least one year old. :)

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What do you mean teach him not to sheet? He had a big sheet this morning, real stinky too. Daddy was not impressed.

It's funny how desensitized you can become to the diaper full. With 2 on the go the diaper pail can be a real shit pile. But it's nothing like my wife Jenn who up until the boys came home was changing Adult Diapers for a living at the nursing home. The Shit Stories that she could tell would make Mr Lahey proud.

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A few other questions. Are there any suggestions as to things like sun-screen (30 spf, 60 spf, etc, etc) or any other things we need for a little baby at a show? This will be little Trey's first festival. Should we bring some sort of mat for changing him, I guess a folded blanket is fine, or do you think there will be any change spots (though I don't think he really cares about being naked in a crowd, he'd probably much rather be naked actually).

Basically the list has ear phones so far, any other things that are baby necessities for festivals? We'll of course have the regular stuff like blankets and spare diapers/clothing which I'm thinking will be enough...

Also, what about camping? Anyone ever camp out with their little ones at a festival (we're talking less than a year old although I'm curious as to any answers)? Currently for moe.down we're pondering going the hotel route but if I hear of lots of successful camping stories...

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re sunscreen - make sure to get the chemical free stuff. some of it can be pretty nasty with estrogen mimicking chemicals. I cant recall the names of the safer stuff at the moment. I'm sure somebody will post the info b4 I remember. There's also a website with this info, which I'll try to find.

You're regular diaper bag should have most of the provisions you need. Just make sure to bring enough toys and books to keep him busy when required. We had a mat in our diaper bag - don't want to change him on the blanket directly in case of any spillage. If you're staying till the evening you'll need a sleeper/PJs.

We camped at the Vibes when Jerry was almost 3. So, I don't have much advise for an infant. But, we did see lot's of folks with infants nearby. Have you been to moe.down before? Folks I know have suggested that it's not great for babies.

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Also, what about camping? Anyone ever camp out with their little ones at a festival (we're talking less than a year old although I'm curious as to any answers)? Currently for moe.down we're pondering going the hotel route but if I hear of lots of successful camping stories...

We took our daughter to Bonnaroo in 2002 when she was about 4 months old. We had no problems. Kept her well hydrated, shaded, ear plugs, etc. Also, my wife and I stayed sober for the weekend and crashed relatively early, basically making our daughter's comfort top priority. We spent more time taking care of the sunburned, spun out wooks camped next to us.

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sweet, I like to hear that. Little Trey will be almost 1 by the time moe.down arrives. Maybe I'll give him his first guitar that weekend although he seems to be more inclined to being a computer nerd (yup, 6 months and the computer keyboard is probably his favorite toy, gotta get him on the music keys...).

Actually, that makes me real happy. If a 4 month can do bonnaroo then an 11 month can for sure do moe.down.

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I would like to see an area designated as lawn chair free.

ha though at this point I would also like to see an area designated as a no fucking bitching about lawn chairs allowed zone.

I mean honestly I find the fucking constant bitching about lawnchairs just as aggrivating as the overly stubborn lawn chair people. Seeing people yelling at lawn chair people last year was just fuckered..it was weird because allthough I fully got where the standing person was coming from...it was the standing person I wanted to shut up. Sometimes people need to sit down ya know and how is one to know who needs a seat and who doesn't?

If my knee is sore this summer I'm bringing a chair. If I bring my kid I won't be laying him down on the ground to get tripped over. If I get yelled at...wellll I'm not known for my even temper so it'll be interesting.

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I would like to see an area designated as lawn chair free.

Think they tried that last year, but it didn't last? (my memory tends towards the fuzzy, though, so please do correct me if I'm wrong)

Sometimes people need to sit down ya know and how is one to know who needs a seat and who doesn't?

So true. I myself often do need to sit. Although, I'm always quite happy to do so on the grass, and more than happy to move to the back of the crowd if it is an active/dancey kinda show going on. I've only brought a chair to BF once, and it was just so I could sneak beers in the chair bag. I've never had a complaint about sitting towards the back on a blanket, and I've never even seen anyone harrased about sitting on a lawnchair towards the back. I think it is just the craziness of trying to stake out a permanent place in front of the stage with a chair that makes things all crazy. But we've all been over all this ground before, I guess.

I do wish we could all chill a bit, though. I need to sit down sometimes, but I don't want to be in anybody's way. I've managed to navigate that. Why can't people just be cool with each other?

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