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Ottawa this weekend...


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Hey, I know I know peeps in Ottawa just don't know exactly who is all in town!

I am coming to run the Marathon this weekend, and would love to bump into some folks...i don't get out much these days!

Anyway, thats my story...if anyone i know is around drop me a line...( mikeflip@gmail.com)

ps...check out this link...i did this litte recording for Mary's dad and he put a video to it, and now it is number 12 on Neil Young's Anti-war videos!

(i don't know how to make it a link,sorry i am not a computer guy)

if that link does not work, just go to Neil's homepage and go to "living with war" and check out the top protest videos...were number 12 out of like 500!!

Mike Filipowitsch

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