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Kanye West comes to the defense of Kanye West


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In Defense of Kanye by Kanye West

This is the most offended I've ever been... this is the maddest I ever will be. I'm typing so fucking hard I might break my fucking Mac book Air!!!!!!!! Call me any name you want.... arrogant, conceited, narcissistic, racist, metro, fag whatever you can think of.... BUT NEVER SAY I DIDN'T GIVE MY ALL! NEVER SAY I DIDN'T GIVE MY ALL!
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both bonnaroo and kanye dropped the ball. stop hating on the guy, fuck.

Agreed. It has really frustrated me that people seem all to eager to overlook the fact that Pearl Jam went over by an hour. You give that time back, and he's only an hour late getting on stage, which isn't that out of the ordinary.

I also think that the Superfly folks have been a little too happy to sit back and let Kanye take all the heat. His response probably didn't help his cause any, and of course he should have said something during the show (even if it would have caused him to break character) but I can't blame the guy for wanting to stick up for himself at this point.

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Haven't heard of any Kanye "fans" who were there (and thought his set smoked). I have read a bunch about the hordes of happy Pearl Jam fans though :)

Bad fit for the festival. Keep it about live music, IMHO.

I saw an interview with Kanye fans the next day and they said it was a pumpin' show and worth the wait. I'm sure we could go back and forth with hearsay, especially since neither of us were there ;)

I'm a big PJ fan and think that they are a much better fit for Bonnaroo than Kanye is. That said, if they want to play for as long as they feel like, let them put their own festival on. True, the fans were happy, but I think it was inconsiderate of them to play over when there was another artist waiting to load in. The fact that people were enjoying their set is irrelevant, in my opinion. For any multi-band event to be successful, the artists have to cooperate.

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I read PJ went long cause Kanye's managers were being jerk offs. If thats the case good on PJ. also, the show must go on, weather you get your glow stick shit together or not. Kanye hasn't put in enough time in this bis to get the respect he thinks he deserves. he was invited to play the second stage but his ego thought he deserved main stage. i don't feel sorry for him at all.

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I read PJ went long cause Kanye's managers were being jerk offs. If thats the case good on PJ. also, the show must go on, weather you get your glow stick shit together or not.

I don't know see how Kanye's people being uncool would entitle PJ to run over, personally. In fact, if they did it deliberately to spite them, then I think that's even worse than just going over because you're caught up in the moment.

As for the "show must go on" comment, like it or not, the glow in the dark features are what Kanye's current show is all about. To go on without it wouldn't have made any sense, especially after he was moved to accommodate the effects (and yes, I realize this became a moot point after the sun came up). Say what you will about Kanye not belonging, the promoters wanted him and invited him and knew what sort of show he was bringing long before Saturday night.

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