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Johnny Cash > American Outtakes On The Way


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Seems Johnny must be hanging w/ Tupac up there... [Wink]


Johnny Cash: American Outtakes On The Way

from chartattack

Johnny Cash may be gone, but he’ll never be forgotten. Not only has Cash left an incredible legacy behind him, but The Man In Black still has a pile of songs that have yet to be released. Thankfully, unlike most posthumous release rushes, it looks like Cash’s post-death output isn’t going to be lame.

Speaking to RollingStone.com, Cash collaborator Rick Rubin revealed that the planned Cash boxset, Unearthed, is still projected to be released by the end of the year. Cash and Rubin were working on the set, which will be largely comprised of unused tracks from Cash’s American sessions, up until the time of Cash’s death earlier this month.

The five (or possibly, six) disc set won’t be filled with scraps that were never intended to be released either — according to Rubin, Cash recorded between 40 and 80 tracks in each of the sessions for his four American releases. Some of ‘em were failed experiments, but Rubin claims that a good chunk of them are amazing and will be included on the box set.

Unearthed will be anchored by an American Best Of disc featuring tracks from Cash’s final four albums and will also feature at least four thematically arranged discs, tentatively subtitled Who’s Gonna Cry, Trouble In Mind, Redemption Songs and My Mothers’ Hymnbook.

Finally, Rubin also plays to eventually release American V, the new album that Cash was periodically working on up until the time of his death.


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Oh, I had thunked about that one alright, and came up with (what I think) would be his best choice for a cover.


I envisioned almost every Garcia tune (there's no WAY Johnny would cover anything written by Booby, which is rather ironic), and that just seemed like the perfect choice. FOTD would be cool too.

Who's kidding who, so many Hunter/Garcia songs would fit the bill. Like I would complain!

"Old man down..............."

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