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no punch line. no crucifixial dildo's. plenty of widely spread legs and several backup dancers' faces pulled tightly into her nether regions, though. disappointingly perhaps, she wasn't all that explicitly sexual.

hey, you either like this stuff or ya don't. and no apologies, i like it. so, screw you if ya don't. there ain't no 13-minute guitar doodles or killer drum solo, just a very well choreographed 2-hr stageshow. she did try to courtney it up a bit, slinging on a guitar and riffing thru the 4 chords she knows. 'A' for effort on them, but the laser-filled, whirling stage, spinning dancer, elaborately-costumed songs were the crowd pleasing highlights. and wow, can she move. this 50yo woman is in shape.

t'was my first time seeing her. hey, she's graced my turntable and topped the charts now for decades, and she's been on my to-do list for a while. so, im very glad we went and we had a lot of fun. call it a guilty pleasure, I guess.

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This was sorta funny, and perhaps a bit confusing.

hey, you either like this stuff or ya don't. and no apologies, i like it. so, screw you if ya don't.

Glad you had a good time though, not my style of music mind you, but hey - screw me right? - since I don't enjoy it. Honestly, you can't say you didn't expect somebody to flame. 028ws9.gif

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Honestly, you can't say you didn't expect somebody to flame. 028ws9.gif

of course I expected to be flamed. half of what I say here is on fire ... :D

While she's been on my to-do list for a while as well, I'd never go see her in concert

And given the easy lob ball I intentionally tossed, I also very much expected this. :)

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