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ok, the "RUMOUR" i heard is that Rick isn't having any more long-weekend parties. The parties will be on regular weekends, and i don't think CTMF is happening there anymore, AND its gonna cost you $250 for a 1 year membership-which seems kinda excessive considering that CTMF is the reason we all show up. I'd like to know more SOLID info, so maybe whoever goes to the meeting can relay the message to all of us here. cheers

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ok rick is calling everyone who's number he has and the bacis idea is,, the cometogether fest is going to stay at izzy's and rick wants to have festivals there 4 times a year, and they won't be on the long weekends. he doesn't even know if he is going to have bands because he can't comit to spending money on stuff if he has no idea who's going to show

the membership is going to be between 200 and 300 bucks a year, except you only have to pay 50 bucks each time you go,, so if you never go then your membership is free, and if you go once its 50,...ect

he wants everyone to come for thanks giving weekend so he can work it out and make membership cards

basically i think its a sad attemp for rick to not have to throw in the towel and get a real job,, i loved frontire town and will porobably go back, but its not going to be the same, and i don't think many people are going to want to go there and just hang out,, izzy's is way closer to the city and is in a way better location for everyone. i'm also not going to pay anything to go there unless its worth my money and not having bands won't cut it

so basically everyone if you want the meeting is on thanks giving weekend, i'm not going to waste my time, cause frontier town is done, if rick really wanted to keep it going he should get off his ass and do whatever it takes with the city

thats my 2 cents

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well, ya that is what i heard too (about the $250 for 5 weekends thingy) so when they called about the meeting i asked about that...now apparently they are looking at a $25 membership and then you pay like $15 for a special event...the membership will be so you can go all the time type thing...i really don't know though..that is why i am going so i can figure this shit out and have some say, or at least try to.

the meeting is october 11th, which is the saturday of the thanksgiving weekend...starts at 5 pm in the saloon...i was told that they called all the people that signed the list but that anyone is welcome to come and after the "meeting" is done than we shall do some partying...

so who's up?? [Wink]

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i agree that something should be worked out with the city...but i guess that is something to bring up at the meeting...i am still holding out hope for frontier town and come together music fest....i liked izzy's...the lake was definitely an added bonus... but if there are no bands than it most certainly will not be as appealing to go except to see old friends...well, who knows, i guess we will see

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i just think its a sad attempt to hold on to what WAS! things have changed and they can't go back to the way they were, at first i was feeling bad for rick, but then i thought about it,, and frontier town is a busniess and like and other busniewss you have to take care of it,, rick didn't and assumed things would just keep working out for him and they didn't,, if he was really serious about it then he would have done what had to be done and deal with the city, instead he is looking for a quik fix, and he is trying to tip toe around the city,, it won't work, cause they now know what goes on there, and i'm sure there on to the whole membership thing

all's i'm saying is if rick really cared he would do the right thing, not just for himself and his busniess, but for all of us. thats why you won't see me there! i'm not going to go freze off my ass camping there to hear him try and convince you all thats its going to be the same, cause i never will be,, at best its going to turn into a huge feild party, taking place on important summer weekends

sorry rick, but if you really want to keep the party alive then do the right thing and deal with city, get the place insured and licenced approatitaly and then we can start to think about partying there again

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from what I heard, the only way the place can be insured since what goes on there has come to the city's attention is if the events become members only parties...

I haven't heard anything about there not being bands etc.

I got the idea that the meeting was to discuss out what members (us) would be looking for in future events

in any case, another night partying with friends in the saloon sounds like fun to me

I'll save my opinion on what is happening until after the meeting

my two cents would say Izzy's was $40 for one night (expensive) and there were way too many children running around... I would be really suprised if they manage to pull off two more events at Izzy's before that gets shut down too... our parties are adult events (some of us get kinda raged lookin after 3 straight days of partyin)... not really the time for having families camping right beside you

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I found Izzy's a little weird too. The families and children (some of whom were definitely pissed off at the situation) made me feel a little weird sometimes. I think the CTMF party really needs to be a private party.

It sure was beautiful there though. I just can't see them getting away with bands until 5am too many times before they get shutdown.

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ah, drunk paisley says...

let the kids and their families keep goin to Izzy's and lets have our crazy happy parties at frontier where we're not bothering anyone

Izzy's is a beautiful park where there should be a lot of great music festivals... I think its the place for more structured events... but its not the place for 2 day benders where everyone appreciates being able to "get away from it all" and putting up with your crazy neighbour because you're feeling a little crazy yourself

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I had a good chat with Mark Wilson about all of this, and although nothing is set in stone as of yet, here is some of what we talked about:

The larger Come Together Music Fest long weekends, likely the ones during the May long weekend and the Labour Day weekend, would be held at Izzy's. The one that was held there during the past Labour Day weekend was put together in a hurry, and it went remarkably well given the lack of planning time. People seemed to like the location and facilities, and with some planning, other issues (e.g. partiers vs. family camping) could be dealt with effectively. Apparantly, there is a lot of land around Izzy's that could be used to allow the hardcore partiers to have a private party campground, while at the same time allowing family campers and Izzy regulars a quieter space.

The one day pass price at Izzy's ($40) was too much money. Mark Wilson knows that. Prices at Izzy's would have to be more than at Frontier Town, but hopefully we can work toward an advance weekend pass price of $50, a weekend pass at the gate of $60, with a one day pass price of $25 or $30.

There are other large events that do happen and have happened at Izzy's in the past. Hopefully with some planning and a proactive approach, the Come Together Music festivals would be able to happen there without the risk of being shut down.

Frontier Town would still be used for smaller, private parties involving live music. There would be a number of these that would happen on weekends during the summer.

Hopefully this will all unfold nicely. Yes it is a blast to attend a smaller, private party, but it is also a blast to be a part of a larger event. With some planning and some luck, we'll be able to have both.

Peace, Mark

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Hey booche! Of course black quarterbacks can come! Everyone can come! I just don't like feeling like we're all being drunk, high, assholes in front of people's families and kids who did not agree to be subjected to that.

Speaking of which, what happened to that dude's truck? Did we ever figure it out? Tonin? See, this dude was walking around naked stealing booze and trying to pick fights. Now, at Frontier, we probably wouldn't have even noticed or at least not been particularily bothered. But, at Izzy's, there were children and families there and I just don't think that's cool. That's just my 2¢ worth.

I do like parties though; so lets have lots of them!

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Ok, I heard from Rick's wife/partner when she phoned me last night.

She said that the membership will cost 25 bucks, only 250 people will have them and each of those can only bring one person. She also said that no more big parties and not on the long weekends. Then, when you go to a party it will be like 50 bucks or something like that. I dunno, it makes me sooo sad to know that COme together will NOT be there anymore. sigh....

This sounds like an OK idea but I don't know if it is going to work. I think I may become a member just because I love that place!!! I think it really sucks you can only bring one person up to party with you.....

booohoo.... [Frown][Frown][Frown]



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