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I don't know if anyone was able to grab it last night before it got taken down, but there was a SBD of 09/18 up on archive that sounded really good (recording quality), I wish I had downloaded it when I had the chance, but alas I listened to a few tracks and went on to something else.

This is/was the source:

Source: DSBD > ProTools > CD

Transfer: CD > EAC > CDWav > Adobe Audition > Flac



-- Thanks to all those involved for getting this out.

-- A few issues remain. Cleaned up as best we could.

-- Until we get our hands on the master, this will have to suffice.

-- The end of Music is clipped - missing maybe 1 minute.

-- The very end of Fire is clipped - missing maybe 10 seconds.

-- A few minor tracking issues remain, but nothing major.

Whats your verdict? I'm loving this stuff. The 20th sounded really really good. 19th might be on the slow side (the Stranger at least, not the rest).

I always enjoy listening to different forms of the band, but I'm not really sold on ths line-up just yet - not sure why - I love the songs that are being played, no question there, but its just not grabbing me, then again, I haven't done too much listening outside of whats on archive and some mp3s from that blog/site so I don't have much to go on I guess and its probally more about me & my musical interests now-a-days then it is the line-up - sounds solid though, so I have nothing to complain about

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