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Greetings from europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jay sanislo

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Hellö all. Just though i would drop by and say hello. Just got to germany a couple of hours ago. What can i say, Amsterdam was the shit. Such a high paced city, bicycles everywhere. The weed and hash down here are freaking amazing. The best weed we smoked was ak47, wow who knew you could be high for hours. Saw the royal palace, man this place is beautiful. We went to the anne frank house and the van gogh museum and also rembrandt house. The history here is amazing, and the culture is out of this world. We visited about 15 coffeeshops in the 4 days we were here (pretty good i think for 4 days). THe hash and marihuana museum and cannabis college was definetly a site to see. The cannabis college is sweet, downstairs they have a completly organic medicanal garden, apparently the best of the best our info guy told us. OUr first hostel was directly beside the red light district, pretty sketchy if ya ask me. Ther was this guy name villiam who apparently watches the rooms and such, he is 70yrs old and smokes coke about every 5-10 minutes. OUr second hostel was much nicer, and no sketchy coke heads. Every where you go people were asking me for coke and extasy it was overwhelming.

Ithink tonight is rat dog night isnt it? Hope you guys have a blast! Tooly......if you were those shorts im glad im not there to see it [Razz] . Someone please scream out jack straw or TMNS just for me. Its 930pm here and im already sleepy....i think its due to the fact we we on the train most of the day and such so im gonna get going smoke some super skunk that i smuggled on the train write a journal excert and hit the sack. Take it easy skanks and smoke one for me at ratdog boyz.

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Good to hear all is going smoothly 4 ya jay... I wish we could have hooked up b4 ya left but its quite too late 4 that now. Anyway Im glad u guys landed ok and that you guys are having a good time. I so cant wait 4 your return to hear all the amazing stories i know u'll have 4 us when u get back... Plz travel safe and keep us informed on your little trip.

Oh and if u see some strange german beer while ure down there, plz pick me up one and ill pay ya whatever it was worth... Thx bros

The band misses ya tons. [Wink] Oh and give christy a big hello 4 me would ya...

Love, The Piege

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Hey guys nice to here from ya. Hey piege i tried that beer last night that you think tastes like bananas, pretty good stuff but i cant remember what its called.

Brad we are close to aachen, today we are going to the cathedral and a chocolate museum, apparently they have a chocolate fountain that you can dip a biscuit into....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I think tomorrow we are going to cologne and a halloween party at night, at sophia university.

The country side of germany is amazing ive never seen grass so green. Okay time to get ready for todays excursion. Man its hard to type on this keyboard everything is different, take a look at these keys

ü ä ö.....and these are in places that other keys would usually be. Weird. Anways, til next time, and have fun. Hope ratdog was sweet!!!!!

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