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Gaslamp Killer (rare, punishing, live club set)


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You're listening to his releases or mixtapes and not watching his live sets from events. He's a visual performer and needs to be seen, you also see his deep appreciation for the music and textures he's conjuring and by seeing him execute mixes you get a sense of just how good he is technically beyond repertoire. And I'm sure Gaslamp and Gonji Sufi have worked together they're both Flying Lotus, or have been, non?

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I'm going with Tungsten on this one.

Not saying he's not talented (haven't seen him) but for me that isn't even close to the correct clip to carry a headline "Dubstep overlord" , that was pretty tame stuff and I kind had to push through it (though I agree with you on the fact Stash is a great track). Rather listen to Rusko and DZ is better than Rusko in my opinion but that's just my opinion.

DZ - Old Timers

(Tungsten I remember I promised you some DZ, I'll try to get that done)

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I'm hesitant to call any DJ a 'Visual Performer'...just because they get excited and jump around doesn't change their status in my mind and I've seen twice as many electronic acts/DJ's as I have concerts...

Rusko is just as much a 'live performer' really - great to watch if you are into watching DJ's I guess...

Thanks for the DZ too Sloth - gimme some links or mixes!

That DZ track is the one that Rusko drops most shows - he's got a killer track he drops overtop of the Streets remix I have to find too..

Check the start of this video:

...and the drop at 4:50....and the crowd. This isn't Gaslamp at a bar, that's for sure...

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Yeah the drop at 4:50 is dope but the previous minute is a bit cheese. GLK does not get feel- goody so much, he's gets darker and digs deeper imo. Also would rather see a dope dj in a small bar then a huge frat house but gaslamp plays big clubs too.

Either way of course it's all just a matter of taste I'm definitely biased toward glk. I booked him in Ontario a couple years ago, seen him thrice and thinks his djing, producing and style are all top shelf. Rusko and DZ are super-dope too but arguably not out of the league of the muthafucking gaslamp killer.

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I do like DZ's Old Timers and I implicitly trust your guys take on in particular your taste in this case in music (I trust the Sloth implicitly who once told me that Jason Collett's Hangover Days was one of the best -Canadian?- pop songs written in the past decade which I agree with and have forwarded the compliment to Jason as recently as yesterday actually- ran into him at the Y, also ran into Chris Murphy, Matt Murphy, Gentleman Reg, and Champagne James from Run With The Kittens within a one block radius of my house and the gym).

I think I agree with the technical points you're making I don't think that Killer's a better DJ because he waves his arms around and shit. I mean how many dubstep DJ's get invited into QBert's lab? It's his much more expansive understanding of so-called 'world music', Turkish pop and psychedelia, left-field and mainstream hip hop - plus his dextrous mixes that make him such a threat.

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You know what I can't get enough of? The Wu-Tang Dubstep remixes. Holy fuck. Did not expect some of the tracks to be this good....Not for Wu fans, but for dubstep fans...


...some of my fave dubstep producers lay down some heavy tracks...check out the Nebula and Dore remix with Method Man and JaydaFlex/Yoof tracks there. FUCKING HARD. love it.



...the changeup at 1:20. Wow.

And yeah i'm not a huge Rusko fan because of the cheese - GLK is good stuff, but I don't find it 'punishing'. Definitely more worldly...

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Gaslamp Killer is not really a Dupstep DJ. He could be the worlds greatest psych-rock dj who mixes in dubstep and hip hop and whatnot

Couldn't agree more. Really with everything that's been said. You know what I need seriously is some just some straight up point and click mp3s you guys can tip me to (particularly this Wu dubstep Eric!!!) that I can pull down and get on my ipod before I have to chef it up at the restaurant tonight. The owner and I have a shared love of Prince, he was a DJ and he has a shared love for many of the things we all love to ingest so somehow I can play this stuff at the resto.

Thanks seriously. The epic name drop by the by wasn't meant to be pretentious as fuck, I'm sure it was, I basically love my neighborhood and as a music journo I love being able to interact with my heroes (like Matt Murphy aka Guy Terrifico aka Lil Orton Hoggett is seriously one of my heroes) on a daily basis within blocks of my house is cool. The more important part you don't seem to get is that Hendricks take on Collett informs my writing on Jason, kc's take on performers as a booker and audiophile influences me, Eric's take on production informs my take on production, BradM or Pete's tape's allow me to revisit shows and pick out musical or lyrical details and dynamics. Essentially for all my 'gotta be cruel to be kind' shit I do get a great deal of insight out of this community.

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