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Happy coming out day


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Since homosexual tendencies have been accepted as part of our genetic code by the medical establishment, I wonder if anyone will ever get the funding to conduct studies to verify how much of the suicide rates are more directly connected to the genetic code and how many are purely social.

Until the time comes for that to happen, here's to working towards living together in harmony.

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Yes, Happy Coming Out Day everyone. Even if you have never come out. :)

Since homosexual tendencies have been accepted as part of our genetic code by the medical establishment, I wonder if anyone will ever get the funding to conduct studies to verify how much of the suicide rates are more directly connected to the genetic code and how many are purely social.

yeah, the kids killed themselves because they were gay and gays are predisposed to kill themselves. Had nothing to do with the bullying. I doubt that would receive funding.

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I find it so completely disheartening to know that things like abuse, bullying to the point of suicide and downright hate towards people who are gay/ lesbian/bi/trans etc still exist in this day and age.

Its really a shame but hopefully days like this will continue to open peoples eyes to the person that they are and not their sexual preference.

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