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Audiobook suggestions


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I'm closing off my audible account and I have 5 credits (books) to use before I cancel. I dig biographies and really good fiction. I've recently read (in book form) Slash, I Am Ozzy, Dirt, and the Mackenzie Phillips bio (what a facked up life!). Audio books I've gone through in the last couple of years are the ender's game series (main story), Artie Lange's bio, Paul Shaffer's bio, Shatner's bio, and a cool sci-fi series called Spin. I've got an interesting one to listen to still called Outliers. These are mostly to listen to on a treadmill or in the car.

Here are the 2 I'm sold on. If you've got some suggestions, please post a reply.

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I'm reading Keith Richard's book "Life" and loving it. Not sure if it's available in audiobook form though.

Also, the Gram Parsons biography "Twenty Thousand Roads" is a really, really interesting bio.

yeah, it's 24 hours! And it's not read by Keef. It's way more entertaining, and you get a better sense of the life story when they're read by the actual subject. That's why I loved the paul shaffer, william shatner, and artie lange bios. They read them, though artie had a couple other Stern show folk take on some chapters. Jim Florentine's was hilarious. He can't read well, so Howard had a bunch of outtakes on his show last year. Priceless.

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Thanks brad. I now know why it didn't show up in my search...

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Thanks for the suggestions. I found a few that looked interesting. Here's how I completed the list.

The Lost Gate - Orson Scott Card

The Black Hole War: My Battle with Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics

Scar Tissue: Anthony Kiedis

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DEM, Colbert's is already in the library. Ms.Hux got it a when it came out. I haven't gotten to it yet.

Have I mentioned that Audible is a really wicked service? I'm only cancelling because I cannot keep up with the credits now that Ms.Hux has a Kindle. Audiobooks are fantastic for passing the time, or making a monotonous passage of time feel less so. 1 credit = 1 book. $14.95/mth is the basic plan for 1 credit (book) per month.

you can get a free trial with one free book using this link

worth a shot.

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World War Z makes for a good audiobook as it is written in an interview style and they got a full cast of voice actors.

Only if you like the idea of a full world zombie war, of course.

who doesn't like that idea? a zombie war would be pretty cool. Mainly because anything goes, and they're easy to kill.

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