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i don't want to manually approve new users. the only way that'll work is if there are a few people willing to take care of that.

not sure how you can really tell who would be real or not anyway.

Thanks for cleaning up. Booche should be able to as well. Could likely have a couple more people helping too as mods.

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Well, if it makes things easier to clean up, feel free to delete any of the threads I've made in any of the forums that are being spammed.

It really looks like they are hitting the RSS feed forums though, I assume to hit those who subscribe. I dropped the feeds the other day due to the incredible amount of spam. For example, my William Elliott Whitmore video thread has been spammed about 20x today alone.

Perhaps you could make a new user status and forum where new people have to introduce themselves before having posting access to the rest of the site. If they post something that isn't spam and appear legit, then they could be approved by a mod and upgraded to a normal status which allows posting in all the forums.

Just add a locked topic which explains that due to spamming this is the new requirement.

If they go ahead and spam after that, delete them. At the minimum it may help quell the amount of spam to some degree and at least keep it in one spot, which would make it easier to clean up as well.

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Perhaps you could make a new user status and forum where new people have to introduce themselves before having posting access to the rest of the site. If they post something that isn't spam and appear legit, then they could be approved by a mod and upgraded to a normal status which allows posting in all the forums.

That's exactly what I've been trying to figure out. It's a great idea, the way you suggest. Basically new users are newbs...and then would only be able to post in ONE forum.

BTW, I went through your thread and banned/deleted about 40 accounts. I also noticed a pattern of domains used for registration (162.com, tom.com) and banned those from registering. However, some are using gmail/hotmail/yahoo and I don't want to have to ban those domains.

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whoops! I f'd up and tried setting the "users must agree to rules" to true. Then I got caught in an endless loop and couldn't agree to them! So I couldn't turn it off. I had to get all hacker and ftp into the server through some ports and search config files for that setting. I managed to pull it off all matrixy like.

Anyway, there will be a new forum and a new user group that I'll implement shortly. Great suggesting Esau.

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yeah, I can't figure out how to avoid putting new users in the regular users group. I may have to remove permissions of Users and create a new group for skanks and move everyone there...but I don't want to do that before I've deleted the 500 or so spam accounts that have been created recently. Gonna take a few days.

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