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'Creep' released 20 years ago today

Guest Low Roller

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I didn't know what to make of "Creep" for the first few years since it was released. There really was really nothing like it at the time coming from the UK. It wasn't grunge, Britpop, hard rock. It took OK Computer to finally make me appreciate the greatness of "Creep" and Pablo Honey.

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If only somebody in the programming dept at Toronto's 102.1 The Edge could discover that Radiohead actually continued to record other songs after Creep, it wouldn't have been ruined for me. Then again, the programming dept at 102.1 The Edge should be forced to listen to the 4 or 5 songs songs they play on repeat for a few days. Not that it would change anything but at least they might go insane and stop subjecting the public to Metric, Black Keys and The Sheepdogs every other song, in that order.

Not that I listen to that radio station anymore, but when I did it gave credence to the reason why radio is dying a slow death.

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