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Let's salvage this board from the heap..


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Well, due to the overhwelming response to this thread it looks like

Culture Club is the band of choice

We all hate Bouche

We should all take drugs (or "blow a joint" as the kids like to say) and stare at our computers. Uh oh, it looks like half the board is already doing that.

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Okay so there's not a clear consensus on hate, bands or drugs. But the gist of Ahess' comment stands. We do seem to have slipped into a bit of a morass with the emphasis on ass. Wouldn't want to turn into the 'hug. And here I was going to say that for my part I would generally do less shit disturbing... I'm having some Grinch like epiphanies but they're coming in real slow.

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Originally posted by ahess6488:

Maybe we can find one band to all rally around?


Find one person to really hate?

What makes you think this shouldn't be YOU that we all rally around to hate? What the hell makes you think we should rally around to hate anyone??? Just bored at the office or do you really have something to say to someone on here that your just not saying?

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Originally posted by NewRider:


Originally posted by ahess6488:

Maybe we can find one band to all rally around?


Find one person to really hate?

What makes you think this shouldn't be YOU that we all rally around to hate? What the hell makes you think we should rally around to hate anyone??? Just bored at the office or do you really have something to say to someone on here that your just not saying?

gettem' poorider!!
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