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WOW! Vintage Rock T-shirts, etc.....


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Originally posted by Dr. Huxtable:

Really Esau? What's the price tag on that ticket??

$125 USD.

I know its well over priced,but I have a list of Dylan & The Band memorabilia I made years back.Basically things I know I would/will have t pay through the teeth for,this is one of them & its in alot batter shape then they guy who had two used tickets for sale awhile back on Expecting Rain ,he wanted $200 USD for a couple used well faded tickets,this is one of the better quality tickets from the Last Waltz I've seen.

Not for sure if I will get this one now,two days off due to the cold temps outside has cut into my paycheck,certianly wasnt expecting two days off.Have to see now,fingers are crossed that I can afford it.

Looks so sweet.


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