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Sunshine Reflexology - a testemonial


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So I had my introductory reflexology session yesterday with Sunshine, and it was soooo great. For those that don't know, reflexology is a way of healing/relaxing the whole body through the feet, and hot-damn, it works! I found it calming and relaxing, and, well, I just laid there for an hour experiencing lots of different sensations that were all positive. Feelings ran the gamut from electrical shots to tingling skin to sheer relaxation to surprising soreness. When she said she could sense a discomfort in my right shoulder it occured to me that for the first time in two weeks my neck wasn't killing me.

Essentially, I walked in at rock bottom and left on a high.

Contact her and book a session, the prices are very reasonable, and I think you'll find it's something you've been needing for a long time. I know I did, and it's gonna be part of my regular routine now.

"Sorry, Wednesday afternoon is no good, I simply must see my reflexologist." Makes me feel so new-age.

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You can never get too much Reflexology!! The more you do it...the more it benefits your body!

A session will last in your system for at least 5 days. It's up to the individual person to decide how much stress (and illness) is in their life, and how often they should come. It's suggested if you have Chronic Illness that once a week for 3 months, and then once a month for every year you've had the illness. Again, it's all up to the individual themselves. Some people just use it as their only source of relaxation in a week, and that's great!

I would love to set up at Festivals; however, I would need a good source of clean water....we all know what our feet look like after one hour of being out of the car!!! I'm sure I could rig something up [big Grin][big Grin]

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One last reminder....

My offer still stands if anyone would like a free session! CALL ME ANYTIME.

After that I am offering a Friend Rate of $15.00 per session.

(Seniors/ Students - $30.00, Regular $35.00)

And remember how important it is to Take Time for Yourself!!!


Lisa Marie

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First off.

Put on some SLIP for your session. Holy crap! The Slip goes so well with a reflexology session.

Lisa came by, set up her gear and asked me to fill out a form. I did it to the best of my ability and the session began.

I have THE most sensitive feet in the world. I cannot take any tickling, I can barely walk on gravel barefoot or any rocks. I'm basically a real sissy when it comes to my feet. If anyone tries to tickle them, they are endangering themselves, as my leg reacts VIOLENTLY.

This sensitivity concerned me, but was quickly washed away when she began.

I didn't know my feet could feel that way, and what that would in turn do to the rest of me.

The session is incredibly INCREDIBLY relaxing. Her porta-table is one of the most comfortable things I've laid on, and I would love to have one for naps here at work.

Basically, after the session, I just felt really relaxed and she timed it to be within a couple of hours of my regular bedtime.

Guess what? I had one of the most incredibly satisfying sleeps I've had for a really long time. I sleep fine, but last night was a largely noticeable difference.

I have some soreness/stiffness that doesn't feel quite so strong anymore. I'm really looking forward to the next few sessions to see how far this can go.

Highly recommended...especially if you're in front of a computer all day.

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